Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Tiny Dancer. Elton John


Been so busy with school lately that I forgot to update.

Well, before I start telling you about school, I must tell you about my top fives of the summer!

Top 5 Events of my Summer
1. DMB
2. Swimming Banquet
3. Rufus at the World Cafe
4. Calc with Dinh, and then two days after with Dinh and Dig
5. Nights out with O'Hara and Mads crews.

Top 5 Songs that I (re)discovered over the summer.
1. If I Had a Million Dollars- The Barenaked Ladies
2. Seed- The Academy Is...
3. Amber- 311
4. Ants Marching- DMB
5. Instant Pleasure- Rufus Wainwright

Top 5 Things that I will miss about summer.
1. sleep
2. no homework
3. late nights at home watching really crappy movies with Julia.
4. swimming
5. the kids (went back to Maine)

Now, on to talk about school.

Went back on the 6th. Wonderful.

My roster isssss:

1. History Sr. Lucy
2. Calc Dugan
3. Latin Peters
4. Physics Williams
5. Lunch
6. Spanish Budiwsky
7. English Borosiewicz (sp???)
8. Theology Mc Kenna

Love Sr. Lucy. She is a goddess. Dugan isn't bad.... yet. Peters is easy. Williams is... strange. FIFTH LUNCH SUCKS MAJOR ASS. Budiwsky is ehhh... Borosiewicz might just be my favorite. McKenna's class.. is a joke.

Went though my classes on the 6th and 7th. No problems really.

Friday night Scar, Sarah, Kelly, Kevin, Alex and I went to the mall. We shopped, ate and made a build a bear. A man stopped us (Scar, Kevin, Alex and I- Kelly and Sarah were elsewhere) in the mall outside of build a bear, claiming that he only needed to sell one more ghost or he would get fired.... So we all convinced Kevin to cough up the $16 needed to save this man's job..... We did the dance and put 4 hearts in.. it was.. interesting. We named it Diabeetus (and yes, we know its spelled incorrectly) after Kevin's diabetic cat Francis.

Look! Its Aunt Jackie and Diabeetus!

Saturday was Michelle's Wedding. Maryland.
She looked beautiful and even cried during her vows. Whoa... Mrs. Wilkinson. Weird.
The reception was awesome. Their song was "Tiny Dancer." All of the parentals got drunk, along with the bridal party and mostly anyone over 18/19... My aunts were hogging the dance floor.
Met up with Darren. Haven't seen him in FOREVER. He, conveniently, has no recollection of being a total douche when he was younger. He doesn't seem to remember throwing a snake at Julia when we were like, 8.
Spent some time with the cousins, including the beautiful bride herself. After 3 hours of dancing, we limped back to the Best Western and slept... a while..

Sunday... went home.
Aunt Nancy's Baby shower. SWEEEEEET.
Had major allergic reaction to something.. my throat started to close (hell yes!)

Monday.. the usual.
Tuesday.. the usual.

Today.. nothing new..
Roe and Dinh wrote me a note this morning.. it was wonderful.
Especially the creepy part about Roe smelling the lock on my locker...

well yes.

much love all,

P.S. OHARA! WTF? only one class with Mama Roe? I'm already dying....

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Chop Chop. The Academy Is...

How've ya been lately?

Well, the last week or so hasn't been too exciting.
I've just been fighting off around 5,000 breakdowns.

First off, the kids went back to Maine last Saturday, and Bob has been away the past week. My mother has been working constantly to paint the house before he gets back. Calculus has been kicking my ass lately, and for a while I didn't think I would finish on time.

It got the worst on Thursday. I got home from work and opened my book, only to finish one problem and stare at another 99 for the next 45 minutes. I freaked, while my wonderful father yelled at me. For some reason, he came over my mother's just in time to hear me hyperventilating. GREAT. Just what I needed. But, I came to my senses, and half-sobbing, got out my phone and called Dinh. She explained a couple problems to me and, thankfully, agreed to come over the next night. On Friday we spent 2 hours doing math, and then chatted (about things that will NOT be discussed ever again) for the next 2 hours. Thank God for Dinh. What would I do without her.

Although I feel better about calc, I am not kidding when I say its kicking my ass. It sucks the life out of you. My days are bleeding together. Haha.

Oh, back to Thursday night. I quit my job even though I would only work 4 more days.. whatever.

Today, went to Digs with Dinh, and did some more math. We are so exciting.
Then, came home, expecting a call from Scar which never came.... wonderful. Oh, well.

I've got myself to blame for this
I've tried to compensate for everything I'm not
And every face forgotten
You felt the sun warming your bed
You look so quintessential
Pressed against that cross
In the face of what was lost
Still I am not asking much of me
You're ignoring the matter

You'll shut me up and bleed me dry...

Anyone wanna go to the TAI... concert?
11/1 Electric Factory?