Saturday, July 26, 2008


I felt that it was completely necessary to capitalize the title for this one. I had what was quite possibly the best night of my life last night, and not even the creepy foreign man seated next to me could ruin it!

First off.. Coldplay was unbelievable. Absolutely stunning. Better than Dave or Rufus. It also helps that Chris Martin is so undeniably gorgeous. The stands at the Wachovia Center were packed, and Julia and myself were seated... well.. not in the greatest section, but it didn't matter.

We left quite early and arrived around 7ish. We walked around, I bought some merch etc. Then we went in as the first openers came on. Forget the guys name, although he seemed to drop it after every song in an attempt to sell the "limited" number of CDs that he brought with him... SHAMELESS SELF PROMOTION... (He is a Drexel student though) Then Santogold, who started off with L.E.S. Artistes. Wonderful song, I recommend you listen. This was right about the time that creepy foreign man sat down next to me and offered me a beer. After I explained that I wasn't even 18, let alone 21, he commented that he didn't even know if he was allowed to be seated next to me.. strange...

And then...
the lights dimmed..
and Life in Technicolor erupted.

Among the other songs on the set list (and the TWO encores, 5 then 2 songs each) were (pardon me if I forget some..):
Violet Hill
In My Place (one of my favorites, I nearly cry when he sings the "Please, please" interlude thing)
Viva La Vida (to which we had a sing-a-long, as Mr. Martin referred to it)
God Put a Smile Upon Your Face (A very interesting version filled with strange sound effects)
The Scientist (the whole band lept off stage and ran to the back, deciding that they had spent enough time with the people in the front rows, and played it entirely acoustic, accompanied by harmonica)
Lovers in Japan
Strawberry Swing
Green Eyes
Fix You
Death Will Never Conquer (Sung by the drummer, as promised on their website)
Death and All His Friends
The Escapist
andddd the Dubliners, which was played at and increasing speed..

Chris Martin, stopping halfway through a song during the encore, apologized for rescheduling the concert, which was originally supposed to be June 29th (which would have really sucked because then I would not have been able to attend). "Oh shit, by the way, sorry we had to reschedule. The label told us that we would need to have nose jobs before the release of the new album and its my fault because I scheduled them that day..."

But yes... I nearly cried 3298751 times that night, out of sheer awe, or just the beauty and amazingness of the music. I have some terrible videos which i probably won't even bother uploading... Maybe one.. Violet Hill is the only semi good one. Not really sure how to use the uploader on this thing, so I'll experiment.

Nahh.. took entirely too long, so I gave up...

So.. look up "Bigger Stronger".. its one of the first songs they ever recorded, and its wonderful.

Well goodnight. I'm tired.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

About A Girl.

THE ACADEMY IS... NEW SONG!!! so amazing.

listen. you must.

whats new with you guys? anyone? roe has a new blog! so excited!
so. scarlett, dana, kelly and alex are m.i.a. for a while, therefore its just been kevin, sarah and i. interesting. today is day four for me for no meat, and like, seven months for sarah. whoa.
phil never called me last friday, but whatever. MAN FAST! love it.

dont really have much to talk about. the meet on saturday was horrible. i hit my head on the pool while doing backstroke and got killed by those beastly aquatic girls. im tired of trying anymore hah.

only a little bit until Coldplay concert! and then BREAKING DAWN. im so pumped, although i still need to do a lot of summer reading.... sigh...

im kind of done. never know what to write anymore. might get on later to write. not feeling it right now. im really tired because last night sal and josh came to the house and julia and i talked to them for a good hour and a half outside. psh. im gonna go nap.