Monday, April 5, 2010

Us. Regina Spektor

I know I should have written sooner, but I've been very lazy lately. However, today I am feeling inspired enough to. Perhaps its because I have some nice new music playing, or maybe its that I want to avoid the Calculus studying that I should be doing instead. So I shall spend my last precious moments in Delco (for a few weeks that is) writing on this blog. I have been having a hard time keeping my mind off of my wonderful boyfriend. And I guess I should tell you why, aside from the fact that he is my boyfriend, that he has been on my mind so much.
Wednesday night we spent a good amount of time together, and at one point it began to turn a bit for the worse. I was freaking out and so was he, and so we had a very long talk (which lasted until 3 in the morning), during which he told me... he loved me. Its difficult for me to write let alone imagine. And I am pretty confident I feel exactly the same way, although bringing myself to say it might take some time. And so I've just spent some time pondering what those words even mean, and I still don't have a damn clue, but I know I feel it and it scares the shit out of me.

I have had a lovely break, notably because it was spent with my family and yes, I finally got to see Kevin and meet his new boyfriend, whom I adore. Also, Janine was there.. AWESOME. I love that girl so very much. She laughs at everything, and trails off the end of her laugh with a bitchy sigh that kind of makes you cringe. We just drove around and visited Janine's friend Jackie. Then we said goodbye, and parted ways, but not before making some temporary summer plans. Kevin is living in an apartment over summer in the city... and I will definitely be visiting him. Which brings me to tell you that I will most likely be working at the pool again this summer. I have decided that with my dad renting a shorehouse, and with plans to go and visit a bunch of school friends, I might as well work somewhere that is flexible.

I shall be returning to the berg soon, so I am going to go finish packing. :D