Friday, March 23, 2007

In Bloom. Nirvana

Hows it going?

Well, I just finished the new love of my life book, Twilight.
It was amazing. Thanks Steph.
Complicated love story.
I can't decide if it is happy or sad.
I really want to go read the sequel.
Why doesn't an Edward Cullen really exist?

I got in a fight with Jesse today. Many fights acutally.
I really don't think he gets that he acts like an idiot alot.
I'm just too afraid to tell him.

He just does stupid stuff.. like I don't know throw a water bottle at me.
And yeah.. it hurt.
And the best part is he apologized.
He was like 'I'm sorry if I hurt you.'
You wouldn't have thrown it at me in the first place...... *$^#&*&!

Julia is at soph right now.
So are Scarlett and Sarah.
I'm at home.. writing to no one.


Monday, March 19, 2007

Midnight Sun. AFI

by the way.
i got to talking about this poem at lunch.
its my favorite.. and no one has ever heard of it!
what a sad thing it is not to know charles baudelaire!

DE PROFUNDIS CLAMAVI- Out of the Depths Have I Cried

O my sole love, I pray thee pity me
From out this dark gulf where my poor heart lies,
A barren world hemmed in by leaden skies
Where horror flies at night, and blasphemy.

For half the year the sickly sun is seen,
The other half thick night lies on the land,
A country bleaker than the polar strand;
No beasts, no brooks, nor any shred of green.

There never was a horror which surpassed
This icy sun's cold cruelty, and this vast
Night like primeval Chaos; would I were

Like the dumb brutes, who in a secret lair
Lie wrapt in stupid slumber for a space...
Time creeps at so burdensome a pace.

Rusted Wheel. Silversun Pickups

havent really updated in awhile.
coming to you right now by way of extremely slow internet connection on my old computer.

so, whats new?
not much.
at the moment im burning some nirvana and bush cds, talking to steve, luke and jesse, and fighting a seriously crazy episode of hiccups.

so.. have to do a speech for gardler.
eh.. decided to tell a blonde joke.
get it? ironic... seeing as im blonde!

well. steve wasnt very supportive of this idea.
he suggested that i let the class know a little more about myself...
oh.. i dont know like....

"hi. im jackie. im pale. i dont have friends. i have chronic bad breath. i watch women in bathrooms with hidden cameras. i love it when people cry, it pleases me. i like to collect spiders and mate them with cocker spaniels."

well, unfortunately i had to turn steve down, seeing as most people would probably begin to throw up blood and turn into werewolves after hearing that.....

so... this post is pretty pointless.
im only doing it because i promised roe id finally let her see.

speaking of roe..
did you know that in less than a month it will be her and russ' one year?
hollaaaaaa atcha.

my. life. is. empty.
yeah.. history is turning me into a mindless shell.
lately i feel like im just going through the motions.


blaqk audio cometh.
im excited.

walk with me,
my one and only.