Hopefully this goes okay the second time around....
Anyways.. the picture above is from the banquet last Sunday. It was super.
I can't do well in sports! That's Julia's job!
Well, it was indeed a superfuncoolawesome time filled with dinner, dancing, and slideshows?
I was sore the next day (inevitably) after dancing for like.. 2 hours straight... to meaningless rap songs about partying, slapping some hoes around, and lip gloss. Just me, Jul, Cheryl, Meelz, Liam, Danny, his g/f Paige, Lauren, and like 20 little kids.
OH! I've finally decided that I will indeed miss Jay, my swim team coach. (He's to my right in the picture.) Although we've never ever gotten along and had many a prank war, he's still one of the best coaches I've ever had and tries to push you because he KNOWS you can do better. I hope he goes far in the Coast Guard.
Backtrack... SATURDAY.
Barbeque at Dad's old friend's buisness. He owns a meat thing? They make meat... err process meat? Anyways, it was fun. Here's the lowdown.
I hate going to parties where I don't know anyone.. I feel uncomfortable. But thanks to my darling sister who doesn't give a shit about what people think, I warmed up and had a great time. Basically this is how the day went: We ate (pig, chicken, alligator... the usual...), played volleyball (just me and Julia.. we were bad... reallyyyyy bad), swam (they have an inground pool at a buisness???), ate more, and played more volleyball. END OF STORY.
Anyways... MONDAY.
Had work til 9, but instead we closed at 7 (yes!)
And what, you may ask, does one do when one gets out of work two hours early and the night is still young? Simple.. summer cleaning with the father and sister.
Now, I don't know if you've ever cleaned with my father, but normally its not fun. Like, it takes horrible experiences to a whole new level..
But, this time, it was actually enjoyable.
We cleaned out the closet down the basement and found a bunch of stupid shit my mother bought while her and my father were still married. My dad went on a rant about how his money paid for a pile of bullshit..and well:
Father: "What are these? Decorative eggs... on a stick? Why would anyone buy decorative eggs.. on a stick? You can't even EAT them!"
Me: "I... don't... know."
Father: "What the fuck was your mother thinking--- what is that?! Oh my God, its a JAR! With a Santa hat! Who BUYS THIS SHIT?!"
So yes, successful.
BTW, we gave the jar that had a Santa hat for a lid back to my mother.. she proceeded to throw it in the trash.
OFF! I don't know how, but for some reason, we are getting an average of 3 days off each!
So, both Julia and I were off; we woke up, cleaned, and then watched Cruel Intentions. Ryan Phillipe......
WEDNESDAY. (aka today)
NO WORK AGAIN. Hollerrr.
Went to get Bobby from his aunt's and ended up staying to watch 300 on Blueray?
300 was spectacular... except right as I tell everyone that the one guy is just sooooooo hot, hottie gets his head chopped off.. nice..
BTW, Blueray is awesome..
Went to my dads, read some more of Demon in the Freezer, which is really good especially for summer reading. However, Kite Runner was much better and probably one of the best books I've ever read.
And then I went downstair, on this computer, and started writing this.
Until next time,
P.S.- I recently found out that Steve is reading this... dunno why? I suck at writing but... HEY STEVE!
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