Sunday, December 9, 2007

Hold your head high heavy heart (And save your strength for the morning after)

Whoa. Christ, its been awhile. Soooo I got an actual journal which is why I haven't written on here in so long.
I'm quite angry with the circumstances as of late. People are so rude to others and then act two-faced. I don't understand. If you are going to gain someone's trust, please don't go off and fuck them sideways. Lately, I'm not sure who to trust. Although, its really not me who should be worried. So, I have a friend who made some decisions that people obviously disagree with. Well, who cares? Its not your buisness and you don't know the whole story! I hardly knew any of the story until last night, and I'm confident that I STILL DONT KNOW it all. So please, shut the hell up. Because you hardly have room to talk. Now, don't get me wrong. You are all my friends. But I hate feeling like I have to pick a side. Fuck yes, I will defend her because she followed her heart and did what she thought was right. I'm not sure if I completely agree with her decisions, but I will not stab her in the back. When I earn people's trust, I intend to keep it, and I know I have been fucking up lately because I have to be friends with everyone. That really isn't completely feasable, but I'm still going to try and make it work.
So. There it is.

This weekend was a lot of fun though.
Friday was pretty good minus a little trash talking.

Saturday was fabulous. We celebrated Care Bear's birthday. It was spendid as Kayla would say.. and I do realize that I am missing an "l."

Have a nice day... week...

1 comment:

Rosie said...

mm this makes me a little sad.
please don't think differently of me =(

thanks for sticking by me.