Monday, February 11, 2008

Carcinogen Crush. AFI

Hola. Que Pasa?
Yeah.. enough of that. How are you. I'm stressing so I decided to blog. Got a lot to do this week mannnn. Haven't talked to someone in quite some time and its kinda bothering me.. but that could be because we have only one class together.. hopefully its not for another reason. And no, Roe, not you.. duh...
What is new? Not much actually.....
Hot physics guy is still very hot haha.

Friday went to Scarletts.. what else would you expect. I should upload pictures.. like.. alot.. haha. Sorry Roe I still owe you the shitty dodgeball pics I took. I'll get around to it as soon as I get around to wrapping your present... ahhhh..

Saturday everyone came here and raided my record collection.
And Kelly also stole like 10 of my cds. Ahh well.

I always log on here thinking I'm going to write something profound.. and then.. no. I die.

Hmm.. I'll make a list of songs to listen to..
1. Band of Horses- The Funeral
2. Keane- Atlantic
3. Jimi Hendrix- All Along the Watchtower
4. The Crystal Method- Weapons of Mass Distortion
5. Cobra Starship- My Moves are White (White Hot, That Is)

Ahh.. I fucking suck. Julia just texted me. I borrowed her calculator last night and forgot to put it back in her purse. She had to borrow someone elses for her Physics test today, but all the equations were in hers.. she failed the one part. WHY DO I SUCK? God damn.

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