Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Say Aha! Santogold

So... whats new? Is this in bold? Can't quite figure that little thing out sorry, I accidentally pressed the wrong button. Sorry for the last post I was a little screwed up in the head when I wrote it. I just wanted to log on to clarify that. Its not so bad anymore. School is amazing. Might as well take you through my day.

Coyne is like a weird stand up act.. that you don't know if you want to laugh at it... or cry.
Wills is pretty sweet when hes not poking fun at my lifestyle choices in creepy ways.
Dugan is lovely haha. Everyone in my class has a future in interior design thanks to her.. oh yeah and we do calculus...
Mr. I is always a good teacher.
I love Bud although I am quickly becoming one of the worst Spanish students.. I try.. sigh..
Its official. Her and Borusiewicz are the two most amazing teachers in the world. I love that class.

But yeah. I should go.
Peace. Love. Happiness.
Durk Out!

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