Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Personal Jesus. Depeche Mode

I hope everyone has had an excellent holiday =DDDD.
I know I have. For starters, I got... a laptop! Which, ironically I have yet to open, so I really have no idea what kind it is, other than the fact its a Dell. But the biggest part of my present had to be the fact that I was totally slammed with gift cards... which I don't mind, but hey people, what happened to actually making or getting shit for people?

The best presents I got were from my friends. I ABSOLUTELY LOVED Dinh's present to me. It was a drawing of myself, Dinh, Dig and Roe at the Soph. Yay!
And Roe's present was a CD that she made (with love). It was awesome. My favorite track on it is the last. Its the theme to Gilmore Girls.
Carolyn got me a Rise Against tee. cheyah.
Jesse got me Eternal Sunshine (which I still haven't watched =[ ).

Oh! Almost forgot... new Vans! My mom insisted that she pick out the most obnoxious pair that they had... yes!

Happy Holidays!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Survive. Rise Against

So, this week was pretty much a killer. Oh, the best part, its not over yet. And so far I've had: 3 Spanish quizzes, a literature test, a math test (and another tomorrow), and a biology test.
Whoever says that the life of a 'trackie' is easy, should shut the hell up.
But yes, with the constant panic over tests and projects etc., there has been a lot up lately. With Christmas coming up, many people are losing their minds. I thought holidays were supposed to make you feel better?

Today overall was a good day. However, Sunday thru Tuesday... not so good. Dinh, Dig, Roe, Car, and I were all on the verge of a breakdown. Between my ranting online to Dinh and spazzing on Monday to Katie, I'm suprised that they aren't completely annoyed with me.

This blog is pretty pointless.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Champange for My Real Friends, Real Pain for My Sham Friends. Fall Out Boy

So yes. This is actually my second blog, but since I lost the password to the first.. well, here you go. Life has not changed much. Except for the fact that "Curly Fries" is officially out of the picture. Sophomore year, frankly, well it sucks.

There is so much drama and its actually disgusting how your perception of a person can be totally skewed by one event. If it weren't for my friends, I would not survive.

Lets start off with my sister, and best friend, Jul. She is my best friend, but lately.....
Wellllll, needless to say if you've ever actually met her, we're very different. Prime example: she drinks, I'm sXe. Yessssss.. hardcore. So, a couple of weeks ago, she gets caught and 'grounded.' I felt bad and all, but you know, she sorta deserved it. So, my parents are very trusting, but she just keeps making mistakes. Well, tonight she is going to Jingleball. Hopefully she will REFRAIN from going near alcohol. My sister is funny when she's drunk, but I don't like it.
Everyone has their vices.
"Okay Jul, oxymoron." "WAIT! I know this... stupid.... ox?"

Next, there is Roe. Roe is my moral support. How she manages to solve almost all my problems is beyond me. We all look up to her simply because she has this amazing supernatural power to save everyone else, but whenever she gets in trouble... we all never know what to do. I don't know how I could make it this far in school if I didn't have her. "Oh, yes you why do you take Vitamin C?" "Because I don't drink enough milk."

Dinh. Is. Perfect. She just is. Amazing in every way. She is also the other friend that I hang on to for dear life. Once again, how could I survive without her? "AZN CLUB. Hey, whoa. You should join."

Dig. Dig is super-smart, and worries about everything. She is great though. Its disappointing that we have so few opportunities to talk anymore. =[ She was my best friend throughout all freshman year, and remains to this day one of the reasons I can survive daily. "And I was trying to teach them how to play the recorder and I was like 'Oh, COME ON! Its not that hard.' And all you see is spit flying everywhere...."

Carolyn is the type of person who manages to brighten everyone's day. Its such a cool thing that I wish I could do. "Asian fannnnnn!"

Scarlett. My fellow Madder. We have been through so much together, whether it was Alex nearly getting us arrested (well, maybe not), or Emily scaring us to death with 'I Must Be Emo.' You make me laugh so much, and you are without a doubt the craziest woman I know.
"Look at my SEXY underwearrrrr."

But yes. Just like to say.. thanks.