Tuesday, February 6, 2007

This is the Day. The The

^This is how I feel right now.

So... haven't updated in awhile.
Not that anyone view this...
Maybe I should put a link for this in my myspace.

So.. not too much going on lately.
Wasn't in school today... didn't really feel like moving.

Julia and I were discussing our plans for Valentine's Day again... or rather our lack thereof.
Its okay because I am a firm believer in the rumor that Valentine's Day was invented by Hallmark.

Wow. I really don't like to write these things.
I feel like I'm 5 and writing with a crayon.
My thoughts seem to run around today even more than usual.
Uh, let me think..
What have I done lately.

Two weeks ago, Roe had her birthday party at Iceworks.. without first considering the fact that no one knows how to skate...
Naturally, I was the worst at it (and for some strange reason, I'm proud!)
I fell too many times to count.. and had some nasty bruises to prove it.
But altogether it was a spectacular event.
Tons of people... except Sam... who made it clear the next school day that he was very pissed.
He had the nerve to go up to Roe and say "Thanks for the token invitation."
Now there are two reasons why this is rude:

1)Get over it... she didn't invite you for a reason.

and most importantly.....

2)No one knows what you mean by saying that.
What is a token invitation?!


Nothing new other than that really.
Oh! And my 3 day weekend this past week.. SUCKED.
I was sick.. yet again.
But Friday was actually a little bit fun.

Case, Jul, Bob, my mom and I went out for Chinese.
Julia and Case were very loud and the waitress was definitely pissed.
Also, she kinda freaked when i refered to the Lo Mein as "Chow Mein"... whoops.
Maybe I'll have to get Amanda to explain the different meals to me.
After dinner, we went home and ...... played Guesstures.
Yes.. I really spent the night at home with my family... playing Guesstures.
But you really had to be there, I nearly peed my pants.
Case: bosom refers to boobs, not your ass

But other than that and homework.. this weekend was uneventful.
Sophmore year sucks.
And I'm cold.


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