Sunday, March 30, 2008

Total Eclipse of the Heart. Bonnie Tyler

BACK TO THE 80s: THE TOTALLY AWESOME MUSICAL is in full swing. Except we have yet to run through the whole thing completely. I made running crew, but i am the clear com. Which kinda sucks. I sit on a stool with headphones on waiting for Mr. Allen to yell at me, and then I give directions to people. I am in Tech Wing along with some pretty cool people. From what I've seen of the show so far (and its not much considering for the most part I am behind a wall) its going to be cool. The Allens have kind of been flipping out. Its terrible that I get to hear every word of it on the clear com... Mr. Allen can have a wee bit of a potty mouth. But enough of that.
I will have absolutely no life for the next 3 weeks.
I lost my copy of Wuthering Heights. I got like, 20 pages into it and lost it two weeks ago. Its frustrating me, because I really want to read it (when I get the time). I have spent around an hour each day for a week trying to find it. So yeah.
What else is new?
This post is completely useless I guess.... sigh.
Julia is going to get annoyed with me. I can't stop singing 'Total Eclipse of the Heart,' hence the title.....

Peace Love and Harmony.
J Durk.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Rabbits Are Roadkill on Rt. 37. AFI

^Clearly, I have a ton of respect for the Easter bunny^.
But what else should you expect. The kids left this morning after only one day with us. Fuck. And Jesus was kind enough to send me a visitor this morning...... Gee. Thanks.

This break has been somewhat uneventful.. and therefore relaxing.

Wednesday I went to Scarlett's. What else is new. We played Rock Band and just plain hung out.
Thursday was odd. Julia and I ran to the bank with my father and then went to Widener's caf for lunch with my mother and a friend from work. Then Julia and I went to pick up her friend Bobbie, Jen Davis and Peggie York. I haven't seen the latter two in like, years. It was an odd reunion. All three of them smoked in the backseat while I basically stuck my head out the window. They asked if the smoke bothered me... duh. I explained to them that I had asthma and they exclaimed "Oh my God, we're going to kill her!" Ahh.. Its so strange being so close to my sister and trying to grasp the fact that our crowds are drastically different. The three of her friends tried to convince me to go party with them... I told them I didn't drink or smoke.. or do coke. They said "Oh wow! We're going to turn you bad. You're going to wake up tomorrow with a beer in one hand and a blunt in the other!" Okay. Still waiting for that.
In all seriousness, it wasn't too bad. We went to the mall, and I discovered that Jen and Peggie and I all enjoyed some of the same literature. We ran into Marg, and it turned into a weird St. Mads reunion. But, not really, because as Marg's boyfriend started to walk toward us after we waved, she literally pulled him back and they left.. talk about awkward. Bobbie and Peggie nearly died laughing.
After we went to KOP, Julia and I dropped the three off at Bobbie's house and went to grab dinner at Double Decker. That was fun. We talked about, what else, our lack of love lives. Julia and I have a nice understanding of this. We like different guys, but the same. I have a very precise model in my mind, which usually ends up being completely different than the guy that I fall for. But no worries, I am still looking, haven't seen anything lately that I like. Julia on the other hand is struggling to hold on to a guy who doesn't seem to want to commit. Ugh. Men.
We went home and watched Enchanted. Awesome movie. Happy Ending. What else can two emotional teenage girls ask for?

Woke up at 8. Read til 9. Went on my computer for an hour. Read for another 4 hours. By 2, I decided I needed to get out of bed. Got in the shower. Julia was already gone. This is a clear sign that I was not feeling myself. If Julia beats you out the door, something is clearly wrong with you. I went and ran some errands with my mother, who commented on my unusually tired state. I haven't been sleeping great, and naturally my darling mother picked up on it. Great. We went home. By the time Julia got back, it was 5 and Jen Mae was tagging along behind her. We decided to wait until the kids got here from NC (where they were staying with their Aunt) to go to our dad's. First, Julia and Jen and I went to grab dinner. I headed over to Double Decker again, and sadly realized that I was becoming one of those mindless zombies who went to Double D's every night out of convenience. Ew. I was going to need to find something else to eat on Saturday. Ran into Pat Z. Weird. I'm not so sure he recognized me.. or he could have been ignoring me, but I think the former explanation sounds nicer. Ran into Scarlett's brother too.. He lives there. But hey, who am I to talk. I just ate there two nights in a row. Ahhhh... Went home just as the kids arrived, only to leave like 10 minutes later. I went to my dads and then got ready and went (where else?) to Scarlett's. We watched half of Shrooms, and shitty TV horror movie, which also scared the hell out of me. I tried desperately to ignore Alex, for I was pissed at him. But stupid Frenchman, he is impossible to stay mad at. Kevin gave me a strange look, seeming to say "Wow, you suck at aloof-ing." Oh well. He probably has no clue what he did. But I do. And I decided to give him yet another chance. See, giving Alex more rope is always dangerous, because he always seems to hang you with it. Ah well.
Julia picked me up with Jen Mae and some kid Bill in the car. They had come from some party, and were heading back to Jen's. I got home and read before I hit the sack.

Woke up, went out to breakfast with my favorite grandmother. Oh yes. Sarcasm was definitely intended. I hated Julia for leaving me alone to face her. Ugh. Went to my mom's and slept. Alot. Then did my history essay, which I thought was good, but in retrospect I probably should have checked over it rather than just sent it. Had tacos for dinner! YAY for breaking the Double Decker pattern. Divinia and Jimmy came over. We made fun of Divinia for slicing the lettuce PERFECTLY. Haha. Okay, maybe you had to be there. We decided to watch August Rush, which is pretty much my new favorite movie. Jonathan Rhys Meyers.... oh yes. Watched the end of Sound of Music after. In response to Roe's crush on a certain older man, I would like to confess my love for Christopher Plummer's suave character in the movie. When he and Julie Andrews dance at the party, and then later sing "Something Good," my heart crashes in my chest. I'm a sucker ;]

Happy Freaking Easter.
Woke up at 6:40 A.M. to say bye to the kids. Went back to bed at 7ish and just closed my eyes for an hour. After tossing and turning I decided just to get up. And I've basically been sitting here for 3 hours. Only moved to get a shower. So here I am. BAM!

In all seriousness, Happy Easter. Christ is Risen!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Cheated Hearts. Yeah Yeah Yeahs

I miss my Roe. I don't see her anymore. It makes me sad. I need my second mother back. COME BACK TO ME!!!
In other news, I still have no prom date. SHIT. haha. Everyone has one. Oye Vey.
This post is utterly pointless.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Hot in Herre. Nelly

I'm being a loser and listening to the Harry Potter 5 Soundtrack.. the movie group came over last night and we watched it. Naturally I cried when Sirius... know.
This weekend has been boring. Friday couldn't do anything. Saturday morning I woke up at 645 (yay!) to take my SATs. Yep. Nothing like PMSing during a five hour test. Last night I went out to dinner with my mommom (the one that hates Julia and I). Afterward Sarah, Scar, Kevin, Alex and Kelly came over. We watched HP, I cried.
So since Friday, I have been working out. P90x is freaking intense. I can barely walk. Naturally Julia is fine. Partly due to my current mental state, I've been freaking out about my body, but hey.. I really want to get in shape. So yeah.. my mother tells me I'm pretty, but I kinda wanna do something for myself. So no worrying. I'm not going to stop eating and start freak exercising!

Until later.