Wednesday, April 23, 2008

No Tomorrow. The Blackouts

Well. I'm bored. Boring seems to describe my life lately. Sigh.
Prom was the funnest night ever. EVER. Which is probably why this weeks seems so boring in comparison.
Friday, I rushed home, jumped off the bus and ran to Julia's car. Steve had told me I had to be ready by 4:30. Holy shit. Julia drove me to gparentals where Diane was waiting to do my hair. Apparently my hair is really long... she had to tie it in knots to shorten it... anyways. She is a goddess and managed to finish by 3:15. Got to my dad's, shaved and put on my dress. Julia put makeup on my face, because I am retarted and never wear it. And then, I waited. And waited. Julia's date came around 5ish. He's hotttttttttt. Anyways. Steve ended up showing up at like 5:30. Traffic was bad and he got lost at Jesse's. We went back to his house for a good 5 minutes and then went to Carolyn's. Jesse met Bern there and then they went to Hackett's. All of us left around 7:30ish for the prom. Steve and Luke RACED down the street... we managed to slow to around 80 when we went past a cop.. whoops. Anyways, Alex forgot her I.D. so Luke had to stop home. Kayla and her date passed us.. his car has a broken hose for the back windshield.. when he then used to spray Steve's car.. haha.
Got to prom. Took pictures. Then DANCED. The girls looked beautiful in their dresses.. and the boys were so handsome in their tuxedosss. LOS SMOKINGS!
Brendan's afterward. It was fun. I MISS PROM!

Yeah. i really just dont feel like writing anymore. I thought I was in the mood, but nah... maybe tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

(Insert Here)

The past few weeks have been busy. Duh. Show.
I miss my friends dearly.
Prom is next week! WTF?
My grades are ridonkulous. I was so busy worrying about my Physics grade that I didn't notice how good some of them were.
I'm only 50 pages into Wuthering Heights. Sigh.. its harder to read than I anticipated. But sadly, it is at my mom's right now.. and I hardly have any homework! Gosh! And I'm really enjoying it so far.
I'm just hanging out right now, avoiding a math project (which just for the record, is impossible).
I'm listening to music right now, so I'd like to give you a list of my top ten songs (this list will deff change over time).
In no particular order:

Fake Plastic Trees- Radiohead
Across the Universe- Rufus Wainwright
Hyper Music (or Map of the Problematique)- Muse
The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot- Brand New
Dead Souls- Joy Division
In My Place- Coldplay
Angel- Massive Attack
The Funeral- Band of Horses
The Boys Are Too Refined- The Hush Sound
With You- Linkin Park

All the 80s songs are starting to get on my nerves. Ugh. If I hear Kids in America one more time, I'm going to snap. People are raving about the show, which is good. I still like it after about 10 times.
Took my AP English essay thing. It was hard, but I hope I got into the class.

God I am just rambling about anything. Maybe I just don't feel like writing right now?