Wednesday, April 9, 2008

(Insert Here)

The past few weeks have been busy. Duh. Show.
I miss my friends dearly.
Prom is next week! WTF?
My grades are ridonkulous. I was so busy worrying about my Physics grade that I didn't notice how good some of them were.
I'm only 50 pages into Wuthering Heights. Sigh.. its harder to read than I anticipated. But sadly, it is at my mom's right now.. and I hardly have any homework! Gosh! And I'm really enjoying it so far.
I'm just hanging out right now, avoiding a math project (which just for the record, is impossible).
I'm listening to music right now, so I'd like to give you a list of my top ten songs (this list will deff change over time).
In no particular order:

Fake Plastic Trees- Radiohead
Across the Universe- Rufus Wainwright
Hyper Music (or Map of the Problematique)- Muse
The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot- Brand New
Dead Souls- Joy Division
In My Place- Coldplay
Angel- Massive Attack
The Funeral- Band of Horses
The Boys Are Too Refined- The Hush Sound
With You- Linkin Park

All the 80s songs are starting to get on my nerves. Ugh. If I hear Kids in America one more time, I'm going to snap. People are raving about the show, which is good. I still like it after about 10 times.
Took my AP English essay thing. It was hard, but I hope I got into the class.

God I am just rambling about anything. Maybe I just don't feel like writing right now?

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