Monday, December 8, 2008

Click Click Click Click. Bishop Allen

Hello Hello!
I must first start off by doing a Mel Gibson "FREEEEEEEDOMM" yell for having finally finished Annie. I do feel the need to say, however, that I thoroughly enjoyed my time with the Tech wingers. We danced, and sang (terribly), as well as moving ridiculously heavy objects across stage. Although, being slight as I am, I left the latter to the others, whilst I controlled the backdrops.
So many great things have come out of the show. First, I must point out all the wonderful new people I met, and all the equally wonderful people that I had met prior to the show, but for some odd reason never had the opportunity to really truly meet them. Michelle and I, on our long car rides, have grown so much closer, and I feel as though I have someone who truly understands me. Which is wonderful.
Oh and the cast parties! They just make me impatient for Snowball. Kevin and I shall be attending, as well as dancing with and inappropriately groping eachother.

In other news, there is no relationship... still.
Although a certain someone has been dropping hints, or I could just be imagining it.. again..

Random Note.
Yesterday I watched an episode of Inside the Actor's Studio with Daniel Radcliffe. He is actually realllllly funny. I enjoyed it and I highly recommend it. Theres one part when he's talking about what he would like God to say to him at the pearly gates and he replies "I would like to see him smoking a pipe infront of a fire place, and then turn to me and say 'Isnt it funny, you know, we're the same height?'"
I lost it. I have no idea why.. I thought it was hysterical.

That and the Robert Pattinson interview with Ellen when he talks about his car. Awesome.

I actually forget what the point of this was. I dont believe that there is a point anymore.

About two weeks from now I should hear from Swarthmore. God what an amazing Christmas present that would be. I don't think anyone can conceive of how badly I want this.

Other news.
Started reading Franny and Zooey. Salinger. Don't really understand him, although I love reading him. I feel terrible about admitting to not understanding Catcher. Its like, the American classic. THE American Classic. And I never even knew he was being psychoanalyzed the whole time. But F and Z seem pretty straigtforward. Or at least I hope so. Other than that I haven't done much. I need to start reading more, cutting down on everything else. Now that I have free time, I'm mainly focusing on three things: 1) a healthy diet, 2) getting back on the wagon of my normal exercise routine and 3) reading more often.

Uhm. I guess I should work on my ode. Its pretty terrible. I don't really feel like writing poetry at the moment, let alone poetry in spanish.
Here's what I've got so far (and by so far, I mean that there is only a slight chance that I will revise this piece of crap in any way):

La Oda a un Libro
Un libro abierto es una ventana
A otro mundo.
Dentro de las paginas,
Una persona puede ver en la alma de un autor.
Es un avión de papel y tinta
Que transporta la menta.
De Shakespeare a Austen
Y poemas a dramas,
Palabras enturbian la línea entre de lo real y lo irreal.
Dicen cuentos de la historia, amor y aventura.
Un libro es un refugio
para la imaginación.

Its probably all incorrect, but I can't bring myself to care.

I want to do a survey kind of.. I'll go find one!
Here's and odd one...

When's the last time you ran? About a month ago.. Its too cold for my lungs.
Do your jeans have rips, tears, and holes in them? No. I'm not into the whole grunge thing.
What are you dreading right now? Ahhhh... relationships..
Do you celebrate 420? Nope.
Do you get the full 8 hours of sleep a night? Normally, around 7.
If anyone came to your house on your "lazy days" what would ya'll do? Ya'll? Strange word. Uhm... Watch TV/movies while cuddling with my dog on the couch.
Who last grabbed your ass? Uh.. its been awhile.
Have you ever been on your school's track team? Nope. But I love the track team!
Do you own a pair of Converse? Yes. I wear them with dresses.. that's not odd..
Did you copy and paste this survey? Yes.
Do you eat raw cookie dough? Yessssss.
Have you ever kicked a vending machine? Once, not the most intelligent or graceful moment.
Don't you hate it when the radio ruins good songs by playing them over and over? Yes.
Do you watch Trading Spaces? I used to. What was the name of that one designer.. Hilda or something.. strange womannn.
How do you eat oreos? Duh, you take them apart.
Have you ever stayed online for a very long time waiting for someone? Yes... sadly.
Are you cocky? Would saying no make a yes in this situation?
Could you live without a computer? Maybe.
Do you wear your shoes in the house? Not often.
Who or what sleeps with you? My stuffed TRex, Rexy. As in "Sexy Rexy."
At what age did you find out that Santa wasn't real? 8.
How many phones, house phones and cell phones are in your house? uh.. 4?
What do you do when you're sad? Listen to the Cure. Or this song by Athlete, it's called "Wires" and I can categorically say that it is the saddest song ever written.
Who would you call first if you won the lottery? My mother.
Last time you saw your best friend? She's upstairs.
Are you in high school? Yes.
What jewelry are you wearing? None, at the moment.
Is anyone on your bad side now? Not really.
What's the first thing you do when you get online? Facebook. Email.
Do you watch Grey's Anatomy? Nope.
How do most people spell your name? Incorrectly haha. Jacklyn. Jacqueline. Jakie. The latter is my personal favorite. How can you screw that one up?
Would you wear a boy/girlfriends clothes? Yes.
Where do you work? Currently unemployed.
What are you doing tomorrow? School. Stage crew.
Is Justin Timberlake becoming the next Michael Jackson? God, I hope not.
Favorite name for a girl? Not sure. Uhhhhhhh... maybe Susan. Not Sue, not Suzie. Susan.
Favorite name for a boy? Either Max or Jasper.
Will you keep your last name when you get married? No, probably not.
When was the last time you left your house? Today.
Do you return your cart? Yes?
Do you have a dishwasher? Haha. I am the dishwasher.
What noise do you hear? The dryer.
Would you survive in prison? No.
Who is the youngest in your family? I am, sort of.
If all of your friends were going on a road trip, who would most likey overpack? Myself.
Do you know anyone with the same name as you? No, not full name.
What's the last thing you purchased? Food of some sort. Fruit...
Do your siblings ever pay for stuff for you? Rarely haha.
What brand are your pants right now? Charlotte Rousse.
Ever been to Georgia (the state)? Yes.
What irritates you most on the internet? Uh, perverts?
What brand is your digital camera? Canon Powershot. I love it.
Do you watch movies with your parents? Yes.
What song best describes your life right now? Not sure. Maybe "Missed the Boat."
Do you own expensive perfume/cologne? Ralph Lauren is about as expensive as I go.
Are you taking college classes right now? Three APs. English, Calculus BC as well as Psychology.
Do you like sushi? Yessss.
Do you get your hair cut every month? Nope.
Do you go online everyday? Almost.

Until next time.
Peace. Love. Happiness.

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