Monday, August 31, 2009

I Love College. Asher Roth

I may not love it for the same reasons as Mr. Roth, but I must agree... its pretty freaking sweet. I am a wee bit homesick, but I do love the independence.. However, I am really worried about meeting people. I'm terrible when it comes to opening up to people, and I don't know if anyone would want to talk to me, or think I'm weird for just trying to talk to them. And oh yeah, I officially SUCK with names.. Seriously, I hope I'm not offending people left and right, but I can only store so much in my head, and looking at my Chem and Bio texts, I'm not really sure anymore names can fit! But I'll try my best. Orientation was pretty nice, and my group is so awesome, and of course, we're all nerds. Its amazing.
I MISS MICHELLE! I don't want to interrupt her awesomeness at Pitt by calling her though...
Helm is brilliant. I love that man! He's our president and basically the coolest person ever, and there are so many neat faculty that I want to just talk to... Like the multicultural lady! She's like... crazy and amazing. 
Anyways, should get back to reading Bio.. I'm trying to get ahead..

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