Sunday, September 13, 2009

Exogenesis Part III: Redemption. MUSE

Let's start over again.

Well I guess that's what I'm doing in college. And man, its great. I was so unsure of this whole thing, and I hate to say it, I was even disappointed with the Berg at first. But this past weekend has cemented this place as my new home. Its wonderful and I love it. My main concern was whether or not I would make any friends. I knew that it would take a bit of time, but after two weeks I was getting a bit worried. But seriously, I feel like I am finally connecting with so many people, and its GREAT. I love the work, the hectic schedules, I just love being busy. I look over at my calendar and seriously think, "How the HELL am I going to do all this?" but somehow, I manage. I love everything about this place more and more each day. And I feel as though I can finally count on people here. Its hard being away from my sister, and Michelle and Kevin and my family and all of my other friends, but each day its becoming a bit easier. I miss all of them SO very much, but at least I can deal now.
So this weekend.... Friday I had DR's class, WHICH I FREAKING LOVE. I feel like a total idiot, but every class is getting better in that sense. I'm slowly becoming more sure of myself, and I feel like I'm learning more in one of his classes than I did all through High School (sorry O'Hara). But I didn't exactly have the best class that morning, and it was yucky and rainy, so I decided to treat myself to a caramel macchiato, and who of course is behind me in line? Laura, our writing assistant and DR himself. He was asking me how I felt about the class and I told him I LOVED IT, which in retrospect was stupid because like/dislike (and I'm assuming love is in there) falls under the generalization category, but its alright. I did mention that I felt a little unsure of my abilities, and he of course assured me that I belonged in there and that my answers were in the right direction. He asked me about my other classes, and I said I was learning a lot although I guess I would have to wait until after my first exams to know how well I was doing. Naturally, he jumps in and says that I should never measure my intelligence against a stupid score brought forth from some ridiculous test designed to decide if I was good/bad. I seriously admire that man. He's so cool.
After that I just had Biology, which I really enjoy. I sat next to James and Josh. James and I always laugh at how crazy everything seems to be, and I really enjoy it. And Josh and I chatted about his background on his computer (it was a mural by Banksy). After Bio, I went back to the dorm and saw Shana before she left (she was going to Rascal Flatts). Then I had to go meet with the Chaplain, for whom I now work? Odd, I know. Why the HELL would I take a job in the chapel. But here's a little secret, I freaking love it. Tanya, the assistant there, listens to Bob Dylan and the Decemberists, while I make copies, run errands, make phone calls and sort book donations. I ended up staying for a few hours, when I hadn't even planned on working at all. I went to dinner with Megan, then hit the gym for a bit. I came back and listened to MUSE's new album before hitting the shower. Side note: I asked Sands if he had heard it, and he mentioned that he was going to see them in VA and had an extra ticket if I wanted it. FAIL. I end fall break two days before then. But, its okay. One day I'll see them and it will be EPIC! Back to story, so I showered and Shannon texted, asking if I wanted to grab dinner. I went with her to GQ so she could eat dinner and I could ruin my trip to the gym by getting dessert. We ended up talking for a few hours about the craziest things, but it was great. Then we went back to Prosser Annex and hung around on the guy's floor. Thats right, first college success. I met guys. Lots. We played Super Smash Brothers, until the testosterone fest kicked in when some bag of douche squirted shampoo all over the boy's bathroom and ripped down the whiteboard on their doors. They were freaking out saying they were going to kick some serious ass. So Shannon and I left that way the guys could talk everything over.
Saturday: I am tired. Seriously fucking tired. I wake up. Eat breakfast. Go on the computer. Go to lunch. Sleep. Do a chem problem. Sleep. Knit. Sleep. Eat dinner. Shower. THEN OZZY'S. The Berg rented out Ozzy's Fun Center after hours for us. At first I was apprehensive about going, but it was great. Megan, Anne, Emily, Jenna, other Emily, her roommate Nicole and I all had a great time. We hit the ropes course and the rock wall, did some roller skating (super FAIL) and then Bumper Boats. We were soaked. But we put up some pictures and it was amazing. Side note: Emily's camera has a function that creates smiles on faces that don't have any-- its the greatest thing I've ever seen. Back to story, we all grabbed ice cream, which is clearly the most intelligent choice when you're soaking wet and its cold. But it was fun, and then we loaded back on the bus. So we're waiting to depart, when I see Shannon and the same group of guys directly in front of us on the other bus. They start waving at me and signing telling me to do the wave. So they freak out and get their whole bus to do the wave and we followed them. THEY WENT NUTS. It was so lame, yet epic because of their reaction. Emily looked at me and went, "Do you know them?" I nodded and we all laughed. Kelson texted me to tell me that I am amazing haha. I love college. On the ride back, we talked about movies and TV shows, and Nicole and I chatted for awhile about stupid horror movies, and how she was home-schooled. All the girls decided we should have a Twilight movie night, so Anne and Megan can experience the epic fail of the Twilight movie.
Then I got some much needed sleep. I woke up and have been doing some Bio, which for some reason I am actually enjoying. I knitted a bit, and then decided to make a little post for the all of 2 people that read this.
I hope everyone else is doing well!
Much love and peace!

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