Saturday, September 19, 2009

Darling I Want to Destroy You. AFI

MY GOD. I'm so freaking excited for new AFI. Is that sad? I know I haven't listened to them in like, 3 years, but 3 years ago I was OBSESSED. And their new album is sounding so much more mature and brilliant that DU. DU was kind of disappointing. I just found a couple leaked songs on Itunes and its like.... YESSSSSSSS.
I'm a loser, its okay. Well now that I got that off my chest I guess I should write about what I've been up to. Posts are going to be more frequent than they previously were because my mother says that just writing will help me deal with college and get me used to writing for DR's. Plus, I love getting my shit out there even if no one cares =]
So in between listening to new music (AFI and MUSE), basically I've been hanging out with friends and doing some homework. Classes yesterday were WONDERFUL. DR's class finally went well, I talked quite a bit, and everyone noticed haha. It was great. I talked about how "Jabberwocky" demonstrated the arbitrary meaning of words.. basically I kicked major FYS ass. Then I had some time to watch the new Bones episode, and as usual, Brennan and Booth got close, only to disappoint in the love department again... sigh... Then it was off to Bio, which I have been studying like crazy for because I have an exam Monday. Then Calculus.. yay! I'm such a loser, I really enjoy partial fractions. Okay this post is a little heavy on the self-deprecation. Oh well..
I went to work for an hour yesterday. I would have stayed later, but everyone was leaving.. I guess its kind of weird that they offered to let me stay.. like, I have the option of sitting alone in an old chapel on a Friday afternoon. Its slightly creepy yet AWESOME. I totally just want to explore that place one day.
Around 730ish, I went to dinner with Shannon and the guys (um.. lemme try and remember names: Ish, Derek, Dylan, Steve, Rob, Matt). Went over to the Annex and played some SSB Brawl.. we're pretty lame, but its okay I got my arse wooped.. I suck at videogames.
Shannon, Ish, Matt and I went to Karaoke... yeah.. Ish practically forced me to do a duet of "Dancing Queen" with him. Everyone got on stage to do the "Time Warp" and as much as I love that song, I had a bit of a claustrophobic moment, so I declined... Just as Gillian and I were preparing for an amazing rendition of "Can't Take My Eyes off of You," someone pulled the fire alarm, so we decided to head to Emily's and watch the rest of "17 Again" with them. Cheesy yet amazing: "You can plunder my dungeons anytime." BEST LINE EVER. We just had a nice girls night and it was great. They were taking pictures and Gillian remarked, after seeing a picture of me going nuts, that if I didn't start talking more in class, she would show the picture to DR and explain that I am not shy at all, but instead a crazy freak. Wonderful.

Basically, I went to bed after that and have been a bum all this morning.. I have been listening to some awesome music all day, with a tissue permanently glued to my hand. UGH. Common Cold...


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