Sunday, January 13, 2008

Liar. Taking Back Sunday

Wow. So much has happened in the past week. Julia has lost her 3 best friends, and NONE was her fault. A little while ago, Casey got veryyyy drunk and Julia was worried and told her to slow down. Casey's mother, aka my dad's ex, is now in prison because she hits the bottle a little to hard. Julia was just worried that "like mother like daughter" would happen. So anyway, Casey swung at my sister and Julia pushed her. Then they got over it and we all hung out together. But about a two weeks ago, Casey, Stac, and Sine stopped answering Julia's calls out of the blue. The "JCSS" in their profiles becomes "LHMB," designed to include Alex Miller, rather than my darling sister. So Julia questions what happens and Casey tells her that things just can't stay the same. Julia is confused and texts Stac. Stac doesnt get back to her until the next day in school in which she writes "Im better friends with case so just stop textin me cause im tired of your shit." Ouch.
So last night, Chris Furm calls Julia and tells her that Case, Stac, Sine and Alex came over to Evan's while he was there, asking Chris to call Julia and tell her to come over. Apparently they were going to beat her up. Case was like a sister to Julia. And to me. We met 8 years ago, when my mom dated her dad. Then my dad dated her mom. But right now, I am prepared to rip her still beating heart out of her ass if she even touches my sister. The same with the others. Fucking bitches. Im so angry because Julia has never deserved this. Shes the one who cares the most to tell her best friend what is hard to hear, and she gets hurt. What the fuck? I would die if i lost Julia as a friend, and I am confident that they will come running back to her. If they dont, believe me they are shit. Nothing more than that. Worthless.
So believe me, if any of you even start anything with Julia, it will end bad for you, I promise. I can only hope that you realize what you have done, and are miserable because of it.
Don't think badly of me for saying this either. Im just fucking pissed. I have never seen her a mess. I'm the screwed up moody depressive one, not her.
I can't even imagine how she feels right now. If i lost Roe, Dig or Dinh I am confident that i would die.

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