Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Do You Wanna Know? Alkaline Trio

This posts have been getting a bit too melodramatic, but I really can't help it. But I must clarify; despite everything, its weird because I am happier than I have ever really been. As Meredith pointed out, everything could go so horribly wrong any second, but I am so awfully content teetering on the edge of some cliff. I have friends... GOD I have friends. I love them. Michelle is of course still the single greatest human being on the planet, but its nice to know I have people around here I can count on for anything. Anne, Anne if you could only know... the talk you had with me this morning made me feel so much better! Gosh, I thought no one but Michelle would understand my bizarre depressions that seem to last for only a minute. But Anne actually calmed me down. It was amazing. This morning was horrible, but it just got so much better.... it was strange-- nothing seemed to go right, but I felt perfectly at ease with the day. I got done lab, didn't touch my work. Hell, I even went to the mall with Shannon and then to yoga. It was a successful day, simply emotionwise... it pretty much should have been terrible, but it didn't feel that way.
On Friday, my mom, Bob and Robert Jr. are coming to visit. So basically, I love my little brother. I'll never tell him though haha. He is seriously one of the funniest people I know, but hides it when he's around people he doesn't know well. I have never heard someone spit out more random comments, and I literally shake with laughter whenever he is around. I hope he is doing well, because he was apparently dieting for awhile, but he's extraordinarily skinny so it worries me (I know right, ironic coming from me?). But he's basically the coolest person ever! He must be driving all the freshman girls insane.
Saturday, I get to work a wedding. I should be a bit stressed, but I'm really excited. I honestly just want to share my happiness lately haha. I want to make their day the most perfect day ever. I just hope I don't mess it up :/
So I was reading on today (best website ever!) about a boy who bought a bunch of flowers, and just handed them out to older women to brighten their day, and I got really inspired. I want to do something like that! Like something awesome... e.g. free hugs guy! Or yes, even hand out flowers to elderly people. HEY! IDEA! Next year on mother's day, I want to buy a bunch of flowers and hand them out in the Giant parking lot to women. Random women. I just want to like.. burst with joy!
I'm weird.... but I like it lately!

(p.s. did you know "namaste" means "the divine light in me recognizes and accepts the divine light in you"?)

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