Saturday, November 21, 2009

Such Great Heights. The Postal Service

Sorry for all of my ranting... or actually lack thereof lately. Michelle has been posting like there's no tomorrow, and I have been a bit lax. But just be assured, everything is great. Better than great. Life is wonderful. I'm starting to get past the worrying about the future thing, because I'm just really happy. But enough about that whole thing, which by the way my whole rant last time was pretty much useless... for some reason he really must like me and I REALLY must love overreacting.
So in other news, everyone has picked schedules except the last half of the freshman class... which is actually the FIRST half of the freshman class, needless to say ME. But I have everything planned out to a T and if something goes wrong I'm SCREWED. YAY! But I'll figure it out. Biology II, Chemistry II, labs for both, Calculus III, Intermediate Spanish II and either Art History II or Intro to Sociology. But I guess I'll just have to figure it all out before my Chemistry test on Tuesday. Wonderful!
So what have I been up to lately? Not much actually. Last night Anne, Shannon and I ordered chinese and watched the Illusionist before going with the guys to Jon's Improv show, which was AWESOME. He always seems so quiet when I go over there, so I hardly expected that. Then we went to the GQ and afterward I watched Rob play Zelda (which was actually more of "I fell asleep while Rob played Zelda"). I got back to my room around 3 and here I am now.
There are only 4 days until I go home! I'm very excited, but its going to be weird to leave my bubble. I like it here, but I miss home and all of my family so much! Julia and I were on the phone for like an hour the other day. She has been super stressed out. At one point our conversation got very emotional because I explained that no matter what I would still love her, and she started crying. I feel really terrible, because I think she's realizing college is a lot harder than she expected. :-/
TURKEY day. So excited ^_^

Until we meet again,

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