I thought I would give you some things to listen to, think about, watch, etc.
"How we survive is what makes us who we are."- Survive by Rise Against
"I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world."- Albert Einstein
"What do you do? You laugh. I'm not saying I don't cry, but in between, I laugh. And I realize how silly it is to take anything too seriously. Plus, I look forward to a good cry. It feels pretty good."- Sam, Garden State
Actor: Matthew Gray Gubler
Actress: Natalie Portman
Alcohol: Rum? Possibly Tequila
Animal: Otter
Apple: Red Delicious
Artist: Claude Monet
Athlete: Natalie Coughlin
Aunt: Judy :D
Baby: Jack was adorable, and still is.
Ball: Snow?
Band: Muse
Beach: Dewey
Beer: Ew, but I guess Bud
Book: Tie, Brothers Karamazov and the Fountainhead
Boys Name: Maxwell
Brand: I'm not very picky.
Candy: Reese's
Car: My sister's Altima
Cartoon: Disney's The Princess and the Frog, currently.
Catalog: None really...
Cereal: Cheerios or Kashi Go Lean
Channel: Fuse is nice, when they lay off the rap.
Church: The Chapel where I work.
City: Philadelphia, but I haven't been anywhere really.
College: Muhlenberg, duh.
Cologne: Um, I guess Ralph Lauren?
Color: That perfect mix of blue and green, like the ocean.
Comedy: Movie? The Hangover, I guess. Comedian, either Dimitri Martin or Ed Bryne.
Costume: My brother was Duff Man once.
Country: I would love to travel to Ireland.
Cousin: Hm.. tough. Michelle, or Megan.
Day: Christmas, or Halloween.
Dinosaur: Sexy Rexy.
Dog: Sandy is a Labradoodle, but I have a soft spot for Pugles.
Electronic: iPod.
Flower: Daisy.
Food: Tough... I love Panera's tomato soup :D
Friend: Michelle, Julia, Kevin.
Fruit: Raspberries.
Game: Solitare.
Girls Name: I can't think of one at the moment...
Hobby: Listening to music and knitting.
Holiday: Christmas/Thanksgiving/Halloween are all amazing.
Ice Cream: Ben and Jerry's Oatmeal Cookie Crunch.
IM Service: Skype I guess?
Insect: Ladybug.
Jewelry: My bracelet from China and the one from Disney World that Michelle gave me.
Job: Chapel Assistant.
Juice: Currently, Cranberry is nice.
Kid: My little sisters and brother.
Lake: The one my family used to visit.
Language: I should say Spanish, but everyone loves the sound of French.
Magazine: Rollingstone.
Mall: King of Prussia is a bit too large, I find myself liking the Lehigh Valley Mall.
Man: Hm... boyfriend?
Meal: Wrap from Subconnection.
Meat: N/A.
Memory: WOW. Tough question. It depends on with whom. With Michelle, I'd say the boardwalk but that would be too obvious. Probably that time before going to Steph's when everyone was calling her wondering where we were, and we were right outside talking in her car. With Julia, taking candid pictures in her room for 3 hours. With Kevin, talking until 7 in the morning (this applies for Janine as well). With Anne, Jenn and Amanda, Kama Sutra. And with Rob, the morning we stayed up until 5 because we wanted to give Matt and Amanda some time alone, even though they were just asleep. We weren't even going out at this point, but it was still one of the greatest nights of my life. And Shannon, definitely the night we chatted in the GQ for hours.
Metal: Hm... Yttrium.
Milk: Chocolate currently.
Month: I'm a big October fan.
Mountain: Blue.
Movie: So many. Probably Moulin Rouge.
Number: Any multiple of 4... except 12.. not sure why.
Occupation: Something interesting, like researching the effects of drugs or music on the brain.
Ocean: I've only ever been to Atlantic, but I'd love to see the Pacific.
Park: The one by my house. I want to go on the swings.
Perfume: Ralph Lauren.
Pet: Sandy :D
Phone: My pantech is nice, and puts up with me constantly dropping it.
Phrase: "The early bird doesn't fall far from the tree." - I believe someone at O'Hara tried to coin this one.
Place: Muhlenberg.
Planet: I so loved Pluto before it was demoted.
Plant: That weird little bush that my parents planted that will never die.
President: None really. Washington I guess. RANDY HELM.
Quote: "Love all. Trust a few. Do wrong to none." - William Shakespeare.
Relative: My sister.
Restaurant: Bucca was very nice.
Rollercoaster: Something at Dorney. Their new one was amazing.
School: O'Hara.
Season: Autumn.
Shampoo: Aussie.
Shape: Trapezoid. A perfect balance of order and disorder.
Shirt: I am a huge fan of tees.
But I guess, I do like my plain black shirt.
Show: Criminal Minds.
Sibling: Aw. Julia. But everyone else is very close.
Smell: Not sure.
Soda: None. I don't care for soda.
Song: Currently, "Talons" by Bloc Party.
Sport: Swimming.
State: PA isn't so bad.
Station: 104.5 or 88.5
Stone: Ruby is my birth stone..
Store: Aeropostale, Heritage.
Street: CHEW!
Subject: I do love English.
Superhero: Superman.
Taste: I'm not sure.
Teacher: DR was probably the best professor I've ever had.
Team: I guess the Wings. I don't like very many sports teams
Tree: The one in my back yard, its a dogwood.
Truck: Um.. none?
Uncle: Mark. He's crazy.
Vacation: Senior Week '09
Vegetable: Broccoli.
Vehicle: Doesn't this apply to car and truck?
Weapon: None.
Weather: Rain is nice, but it makes me depressed. Ironic.
Website: currently, stumbleupon or textsfromlastnight.
Wine: Um, not sure.
Woman: Michelle or Julia.
Word: Love. Imagination.
Year: 2009 was a great one.
Zodiac: Cancer.
Zoo: Philadelphia.