Friday, February 5, 2010

Weightless. All Time Low

Okay. Yesterday was a bad day. I can say it. I was basically raped by my chemistry exam. It was pathetic. Sad part is I KNEW EVERYTHING. I just panicked and everyone agreed there was not enough time. But, God I did terribly. I basically broke down once I left class, and Anne saw me immediately and gave me a big hug and lied to me and said everyone felt the same way (haha even though she actually finished). And then Erik saw and asked if I was okay and then finally Rob. He walked over and tried to make me feel better, and I did because he is amazing.
My Bio lab teacher is awesome because she let everyone take a breather before we started lab and Anne tried to cheer me up by "shaking it out" like we do in yoga. And I actually felt amazing. I loved lab... it was strange.
But basically the point of this is that I am okay with doing terribly. I can make it up. And I will. And I have amazing friends. BAM.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am proud of you! Keep that attitude up, girl! Wuuuuuvv you