Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Good Day. The Dresden Dolls

So today was actually not bad.
Compared to yesterday's disaster, it was probably one of the better days I've had lately.

Oh, Sarkees told me my paper was 'beautiful. astonishing.'
I'll take that!

No point to this post....

Oh! I remember.
Despite the fact that 2006 has been over for more than half a month, I'll give you my top fives of the year.

Top 5 Albums of 2006:
1. The Decemberists- Crane Wife
2. AFI- Decemberunderground
3. Gnarls Barkley- St. Elsewhere
4. Taking Back Sunday- Louder Now
5. KT Tunstall- Eye to the Telescope

Top 5 Stupidest Famous People:
1. Any girls who decided that panties were optional.
2. George Bush....
3. Paris Hilton
4. Lindsay Lohan
5. Rosie O'Donnell

Top 5 Personal Moments:
1. Soph was cool.
2. Lifeguarding.
3. Seeing Lewis Black.
4. Nights out with the O'Harians.
5. Thanksgiving in Maine.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

New Slang. The Shins

Today sucks..
First off my calculator is no more.. or so I think.
Not sure yet.
Secondly, mi proyecto was a disaster.
Thirdly, my cherished ipod earphones are to be buried soon. The funeral is this Friday... I'm comtemplating whether or not to miss school.

And Fourthly (is that even a word??)

Jesse vs. Rosie
STUPIDEST #@$%&@$ fight ever.
Well I can't really take a side, because truthfully it was both their fault, even if Jesse refuses to believe so.

But secretly, I'm pulling for my girl, Roe...
Shhh... don't tell.

Gold teeth and a curse for this town,
Are all in my mouth
Only I don't know how
They got out, dear.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

The Boogie Man. Gnarls Barkley


So last night. was. very. freaking. long.
It was Scar Scar's sweet 16 so Alex, Sarah, Kevin, Jeneane and I went out to the Hard Rock Cafe in Philly. And ate. And talked about how amazingly 'fabulous!' out waiter was. And Alex did his gay man impression while I insisted that we go clubbing to Chanelle No. 5 whilst Alex wears his pink see through nipple shirt with unicorns and rainbows.

Afterward, off to Rock 'n Glow bowling at some bowling alley that I thought was in Jersey.. because they were playing Jersey stations. However, upon seeing the 'Best of Philly 2006' award they had received, I just became more confused. I dont think that this alley should call it the 'Rock 'n Glow' bowl, unless they were going to play all rock. But, hey, we didn't really mind the constant chants of "We fly high, no lie, you know it, BALLLLLINNN'." However when I heard 'Don't Stop Believing' by Journey, I immediately broke into song, along with Scar Scar and Sarah. The real fun came when Sarah and Scar Scar got up the balls (yay bowling joke!) to ask the DJ (if you could call him that; he was more or less just an obnoxious Eagles fan messing with the innocent little Cowboys/Giants fans in the bowling alley) to play Bohemian Rhapsody. Which we sang to .. and it was awesome. After that came some more awesomeness (well, at least for Sarah and I) when Baba O'Riley came on. Yesssss.

Afterward, we all returned to Scar Scar's around 3ish. And there was only one rule: if you fell asleep, you pay the price. The price being washing obscene messages written in marker off you for the next week. So, naturally, only Kevin fell asleep... we got bored and decided to play tic tac toe.. but we didn't have paper, so we figured 'Hell, lets use Kevin's arm.'
Then there was the meaningless conversation, truth or dare, and the ever fun Apples to Apples.

Oh, and we added a monacle and bar mustache to the mural.

So, right now it is 7:02 on Saturday, 1/13. I have officially not slept in 33 hours, 32 minutes.
I'll admit. I am very tired, and there is a good chance I will not be watching the eagles tonight.
Ah, football is boring anyway.

Friday, January 12, 2007

O Valencia! The Decemberists

I swear, I'm not upset.
But, maybe I'm a little disappointed.

My dad knew I had off today. Teacher In-service.
Last week he told me that he would take off and we would go to The World Cafe to see some random artist, who is most likely amazing, yet unnoticed.
But, I called him earlier. Time for a re-cap.
"Hey Dad."
"Hey Jul, er... sorry Jack. Whats up?"
"Uh... nothing. Whatcha doing?"
"Nothing, I'm at work, really busy.. gotta go!"
Hangs up.

Yeah, he forgot...
Actually I should have known he wouldn't remember.
I believe he may have been a little tipsy when he told me that we would go.
After all he did repeatedly ask me if I was really off. And I repeatedly told him yes.
But, whatever.

Alcohol is the source of all evil. I'm convinced.

I really need to get away from the computer.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

A Single Second. AFI

I cannot for a single second stand the way I feel.

So yeah. Life=stressful beyond belief.
The first track is officially a "subculture."
We live for sleepless nights and endless studying.
To all those people who say "I could be in first track/AP its easy."..... well.. up yours!

Besides this nonsense.. good news for Roe.
On MLK Jr. Day, we are having some service thing sponsored by Maab(?) paints. Roe was picked to do the article.. they say it could be her "big break."
And of course the person to tell her was the Greek god of all teachers, Mr. Cook.
All she could no was nod and drool a little bit. But hey. I can't blame her.
So, she will have to INTERVIEW him.. wow. Weird..
"How does the texture of this paint feel!??!?"
Only us...

So, I should be getting back to the endless mound of shit that I have to do.

I've never felt the nausea of longing to feel nothing,
I never wanted to cease to exist,
just disappear.
Fear memories are all that lie ahead.
Never have I felt so lost.
Memories dull my senses.
Fear tragedy is all that lies ahead.
Never have I felt so dead.