Tuesday, January 16, 2007

New Slang. The Shins

Today sucks..
First off my calculator is no more.. or so I think.
Not sure yet.
Secondly, mi proyecto was a disaster.
Thirdly, my cherished ipod earphones are to be buried soon. The funeral is this Friday... I'm comtemplating whether or not to miss school.

And Fourthly (is that even a word??)

Jesse vs. Rosie
STUPIDEST #@$%&@$ fight ever.
Well I can't really take a side, because truthfully it was both their fault, even if Jesse refuses to believe so.

But secretly, I'm pulling for my girl, Roe...
Shhh... don't tell.

Gold teeth and a curse for this town,
Are all in my mouth
Only I don't know how
They got out, dear.

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