Friday, January 12, 2007

O Valencia! The Decemberists

I swear, I'm not upset.
But, maybe I'm a little disappointed.

My dad knew I had off today. Teacher In-service.
Last week he told me that he would take off and we would go to The World Cafe to see some random artist, who is most likely amazing, yet unnoticed.
But, I called him earlier. Time for a re-cap.
"Hey Dad."
"Hey Jul, er... sorry Jack. Whats up?"
"Uh... nothing. Whatcha doing?"
"Nothing, I'm at work, really busy.. gotta go!"
Hangs up.

Yeah, he forgot...
Actually I should have known he wouldn't remember.
I believe he may have been a little tipsy when he told me that we would go.
After all he did repeatedly ask me if I was really off. And I repeatedly told him yes.
But, whatever.

Alcohol is the source of all evil. I'm convinced.

I really need to get away from the computer.

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