Saturday, December 29, 2007

I've Got A Theory. Buffy the Musical

I hope you had a wonderful Chrismahanakwanzukah. Happy Holidays! Happy New Year! Whatevvv.

So. Haven't written in this for so long, so I figured I best get one in before 2008 hits. Damn.
Life has been pretty good. I'm nearing the end of Christmas break (sigh...) and wondering how to squeeze as much excitement as possible into the next 4 days. I am so lazy. I wait for people to approach me with plans, rather than make my own.

The kids are here right now. We almost have a full house (minus Jim). Its pretty crazy, but thats the way i like it. Good News! They are taking like, 3 days off school so that they can stay the next week!

Christmas went well. I got a camera and took like 170 pictures, which i may upload to facebook in order to bore you with pictures of my psychotic family. Nice!
Julia and I have been watching our new 7 season boxset of Buffy the Vampire Slayer nonstop. Cheers to the best show ever madeeee.

Just some stuff from my favorite episode. I'm a nerd:

Giles: Magic! Magic's all balderdash and chicanery. I'm afraid we don't know a bloody thing. Except I seem to be British, don't I? Uh, and a man. With... glasses. Well, that narrows it down considerably.
Giles: We'll get our memory back, it'll all be right as rain.
Spike: Oh, listen to Mary Poppins. He's got his crust all stiff and upper with that nancy-boy accent. You English men are always so... bloody hell! [counting them on his fingers.] Sodding, blimey, shagging, knickers, bollocks. Oh god... I'm English.
Giles: Welcome to the nancy tribe.

[Spike looks at the name tag in the tweed jacket he's wearing, believing he is Giles' son.]
Spike: "Made with care for Randy"? Randy Giles? Why not just call me "Horny" Giles, or "Desperate-for-a-Shag" Giles? I knew there was a reason I hated you!
Giles: Randy's... a family name, undoubtedly.

Yep. I'm a huge nerd. But you would be too, if you just watched the greatest show ever made.
Anyways.... the family got a Wii. I haven't really used it yet. I'd probably end up killing it.

Well this is kinda short, but I'll probably edit. I have to go eat.


Sunday, December 9, 2007

Hold your head high heavy heart (And save your strength for the morning after)

Whoa. Christ, its been awhile. Soooo I got an actual journal which is why I haven't written on here in so long.
I'm quite angry with the circumstances as of late. People are so rude to others and then act two-faced. I don't understand. If you are going to gain someone's trust, please don't go off and fuck them sideways. Lately, I'm not sure who to trust. Although, its really not me who should be worried. So, I have a friend who made some decisions that people obviously disagree with. Well, who cares? Its not your buisness and you don't know the whole story! I hardly knew any of the story until last night, and I'm confident that I STILL DONT KNOW it all. So please, shut the hell up. Because you hardly have room to talk. Now, don't get me wrong. You are all my friends. But I hate feeling like I have to pick a side. Fuck yes, I will defend her because she followed her heart and did what she thought was right. I'm not sure if I completely agree with her decisions, but I will not stab her in the back. When I earn people's trust, I intend to keep it, and I know I have been fucking up lately because I have to be friends with everyone. That really isn't completely feasable, but I'm still going to try and make it work.
So. There it is.

This weekend was a lot of fun though.
Friday was pretty good minus a little trash talking.

Saturday was fabulous. We celebrated Care Bear's birthday. It was spendid as Kayla would say.. and I do realize that I am missing an "l."

Have a nice day... week...

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Tiny Dancer. Elton John


Been so busy with school lately that I forgot to update.

Well, before I start telling you about school, I must tell you about my top fives of the summer!

Top 5 Events of my Summer
1. DMB
2. Swimming Banquet
3. Rufus at the World Cafe
4. Calc with Dinh, and then two days after with Dinh and Dig
5. Nights out with O'Hara and Mads crews.

Top 5 Songs that I (re)discovered over the summer.
1. If I Had a Million Dollars- The Barenaked Ladies
2. Seed- The Academy Is...
3. Amber- 311
4. Ants Marching- DMB
5. Instant Pleasure- Rufus Wainwright

Top 5 Things that I will miss about summer.
1. sleep
2. no homework
3. late nights at home watching really crappy movies with Julia.
4. swimming
5. the kids (went back to Maine)

Now, on to talk about school.

Went back on the 6th. Wonderful.

My roster isssss:

1. History Sr. Lucy
2. Calc Dugan
3. Latin Peters
4. Physics Williams
5. Lunch
6. Spanish Budiwsky
7. English Borosiewicz (sp???)
8. Theology Mc Kenna

Love Sr. Lucy. She is a goddess. Dugan isn't bad.... yet. Peters is easy. Williams is... strange. FIFTH LUNCH SUCKS MAJOR ASS. Budiwsky is ehhh... Borosiewicz might just be my favorite. McKenna's class.. is a joke.

Went though my classes on the 6th and 7th. No problems really.

Friday night Scar, Sarah, Kelly, Kevin, Alex and I went to the mall. We shopped, ate and made a build a bear. A man stopped us (Scar, Kevin, Alex and I- Kelly and Sarah were elsewhere) in the mall outside of build a bear, claiming that he only needed to sell one more ghost or he would get fired.... So we all convinced Kevin to cough up the $16 needed to save this man's job..... We did the dance and put 4 hearts in.. it was.. interesting. We named it Diabeetus (and yes, we know its spelled incorrectly) after Kevin's diabetic cat Francis.

Look! Its Aunt Jackie and Diabeetus!

Saturday was Michelle's Wedding. Maryland.
She looked beautiful and even cried during her vows. Whoa... Mrs. Wilkinson. Weird.
The reception was awesome. Their song was "Tiny Dancer." All of the parentals got drunk, along with the bridal party and mostly anyone over 18/19... My aunts were hogging the dance floor.
Met up with Darren. Haven't seen him in FOREVER. He, conveniently, has no recollection of being a total douche when he was younger. He doesn't seem to remember throwing a snake at Julia when we were like, 8.
Spent some time with the cousins, including the beautiful bride herself. After 3 hours of dancing, we limped back to the Best Western and slept... a while..

Sunday... went home.
Aunt Nancy's Baby shower. SWEEEEEET.
Had major allergic reaction to something.. my throat started to close (hell yes!)

Monday.. the usual.
Tuesday.. the usual.

Today.. nothing new..
Roe and Dinh wrote me a note this morning.. it was wonderful.
Especially the creepy part about Roe smelling the lock on my locker...

well yes.

much love all,

P.S. OHARA! WTF? only one class with Mama Roe? I'm already dying....

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Chop Chop. The Academy Is...

How've ya been lately?

Well, the last week or so hasn't been too exciting.
I've just been fighting off around 5,000 breakdowns.

First off, the kids went back to Maine last Saturday, and Bob has been away the past week. My mother has been working constantly to paint the house before he gets back. Calculus has been kicking my ass lately, and for a while I didn't think I would finish on time.

It got the worst on Thursday. I got home from work and opened my book, only to finish one problem and stare at another 99 for the next 45 minutes. I freaked, while my wonderful father yelled at me. For some reason, he came over my mother's just in time to hear me hyperventilating. GREAT. Just what I needed. But, I came to my senses, and half-sobbing, got out my phone and called Dinh. She explained a couple problems to me and, thankfully, agreed to come over the next night. On Friday we spent 2 hours doing math, and then chatted (about things that will NOT be discussed ever again) for the next 2 hours. Thank God for Dinh. What would I do without her.

Although I feel better about calc, I am not kidding when I say its kicking my ass. It sucks the life out of you. My days are bleeding together. Haha.

Oh, back to Thursday night. I quit my job even though I would only work 4 more days.. whatever.

Today, went to Digs with Dinh, and did some more math. We are so exciting.
Then, came home, expecting a call from Scar which never came.... wonderful. Oh, well.

I've got myself to blame for this
I've tried to compensate for everything I'm not
And every face forgotten
You felt the sun warming your bed
You look so quintessential
Pressed against that cross
In the face of what was lost
Still I am not asking much of me
You're ignoring the matter

You'll shut me up and bleed me dry...

Anyone wanna go to the TAI... concert?
11/1 Electric Factory?

Sunday, August 19, 2007

The Sound of Music. Julie Andrews

So, finally time to tell you about DMB.

First off, we ended up getting picked up by Stacie around 2 hours earlier than I assumed we would be leaving... Stac drove us to Casey's, and then went on her own to pick up Sine. Stacie returned around an hour later to pick up Casey, Jul, and I. We then went to get Stacie's sister, Steph, who had to be in work at 3:30, even though it was already like 3:45. Steph dropped us off at Wallingford train station and we ended up missing the right train by like 10 minutes, so we had to wait another 40. We caught the R3 and ended up at Market East. From there we walked to the Gallery for a bite to eat. Next we asked directions and caught bus 17 to go to Penn's Landing. Once at Penn's Landing, we ran (literally) just to catch the 6 o'clock ferry. We walked to the parking lot where a zillion tailgaters were partying, and I watched everyone get smashed (not my favorite part of the day...). Then was off to the Tweeter, and the night was awesome after that. DMB was amazing, and the crowd went beserk over "Too Much," "Warehouse," "Crash Into Me," and of course, the finale, "Ants Marching." He came out and performed some songs for the encore, and by far the best was "Gravedigger."

I have to say that Boyd Tinsley was freaking amazing on his solos.

Also, last Friday, I went to the World Cafe for a free at noon concert with Rufus Wainwright and Neko Case. It was spectacular. Neko came on first, and I wasn't sure what to expect from a country-pop artist. Her voice was amazing. Then Rufus came on and performed "the Art Teacher" and "Going to a Town." He began to play "Sansoucci" when his guitar strap broke, and the funniest 3 minutes of live radio happened. He started the song over, this time sitting on a stool with the mic lowered, but then the mic began to slip. Each time, a WXPN employee would run on stage and move the mic up, and Rufus would have to adjust himself. It was hilarious. Then, he played my dad's favorite song, "Hallelujah," with his sister, Lucy. I thought at first he would bring out Martha, his other sister, to sing with him. (FYI Martha Wainwright sings with Snow Patrol on "Set the Fire to the Third Bar" off of Eyes Open). But, Lucy was very good. Then, they interviewed Rufus, who acutally claimed that he went to Berlin "to become heterosexual. But the Queen in me won out!" My dad was kinda freaked out at this point. Afterward, he came BACK on stage and did one of my favorite songs, "California."

And Friday night, Julia, Virginia and I watched HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 2! Don't laugh, it was cute. Plus, Zac Efron is veryyyyyyy good looking.

Just look at the eyes!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Everything is Alright. Motion City Soundtrack


Hopefully this goes okay the second time around....

Anyways.. the picture above is from the banquet last Sunday. It was super.
I can't do well in sports! That's Julia's job!
Well, it was indeed a superfuncoolawesome time filled with dinner, dancing, and slideshows?
I was sore the next day (inevitably) after dancing for like.. 2 hours straight... to meaningless rap songs about partying, slapping some hoes around, and lip gloss. Just me, Jul, Cheryl, Meelz, Liam, Danny, his g/f Paige, Lauren, and like 20 little kids.
OH! I've finally decided that I will indeed miss Jay, my swim team coach. (He's to my right in the picture.) Although we've never ever gotten along and had many a prank war, he's still one of the best coaches I've ever had and tries to push you because he KNOWS you can do better. I hope he goes far in the Coast Guard.

Backtrack... SATURDAY.
Barbeque at Dad's old friend's buisness. He owns a meat thing? They make meat... err process meat? Anyways, it was fun. Here's the lowdown.
I hate going to parties where I don't know anyone.. I feel uncomfortable. But thanks to my darling sister who doesn't give a shit about what people think, I warmed up and had a great time. Basically this is how the day went: We ate (pig, chicken, alligator... the usual...), played volleyball (just me and Julia.. we were bad... reallyyyyy bad), swam (they have an inground pool at a buisness???), ate more, and played more volleyball. END OF STORY.

Anyways... MONDAY.
Had work til 9, but instead we closed at 7 (yes!)
And what, you may ask, does one do when one gets out of work two hours early and the night is still young? Simple.. summer cleaning with the father and sister.
Now, I don't know if you've ever cleaned with my father, but normally its not fun. Like, it takes horrible experiences to a whole new level..
But, this time, it was actually enjoyable.
We cleaned out the closet down the basement and found a bunch of stupid shit my mother bought while her and my father were still married. My dad went on a rant about how his money paid for a pile of bullshit..and well:

Father: "What are these? Decorative eggs... on a stick? Why would anyone buy decorative eggs.. on a stick? You can't even EAT them!"
Me: "I... don't... know."
Father: "What the fuck was your mother thinking--- what is that?! Oh my God, its a JAR! With a Santa hat! Who BUYS THIS SHIT?!"

So yes, successful.

BTW, we gave the jar that had a Santa hat for a lid back to my mother.. she proceeded to throw it in the trash.

OFF! I don't know how, but for some reason, we are getting an average of 3 days off each!
So, both Julia and I were off; we woke up, cleaned, and then watched Cruel Intentions. Ryan Phillipe......

WEDNESDAY. (aka today)
NO WORK AGAIN. Hollerrr.
Went to get Bobby from his aunt's and ended up staying to watch 300 on Blueray?
300 was spectacular... except right as I tell everyone that the one guy is just sooooooo hot, hottie gets his head chopped off.. nice..
BTW, Blueray is awesome..
Went to my dads, read some more of Demon in the Freezer, which is really good especially for summer reading. However, Kite Runner was much better and probably one of the best books I've ever read.
And then I went downstair, on this computer, and started writing this.

Until next time,

P.S.- I recently found out that Steve is reading this... dunno why? I suck at writing but... HEY STEVE!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007


I had a whole post but it got deleted.
I'll retype it later.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Only Happy When It Rains. Garbage

Jesus Christ.
Someone should remind me to update this thing once in a while.

Well... it seems that I am, indeed, only happy when it rains lately.
Why you ask?
Answer: It seems to be the only time that I get off work.
I feel like I have absolutely no time for friends anymore. I'm ready to quit.
I need to get away from the pool soon. Between work and swim team, I'm there nearly half my summer.

Will update more later. Don't feel like it now. Or ever.

But before I leave,
I finished HP and the DH, which was wonderful.
hopefully I don't get sued for this:

Harry: Is this real? Or has this been happening inside my head?
Dumbledore: Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Woo Hoo.'s

Mia Wallace: Don't you hate that?
Vincent: What?
Mia: Uncomfortable silences. Why do we feel it's necessary to yak about bullshit in order to be comfortable?
Vincent: I don't know. That's a good question.
Mia: That's when you know you've found somebody special. When you can just shut the fuck up for a minute and comfortably enjoy the silence.

Holey Moley.
A whole month and then some since my last post.

Friday was Dig's partay.
We danced, sang, partied.
It was an altogether fun evening.
OH! Curly fries finally told Bridget that he likes her.
She was threatening to kill him over the phone and was about to hang up when he blurted out "OH yeah by the way, I like you."
Yeah.. hes reallllllllllllll smooth.


She gave him the whole "I don't really know if I want a relationship right now" jawn.
So he is "happy yet confused" at the moment.

What else.
Well I was on vacation for a week before Katies party... in fact I got back about 6 hours before Katie's party.

Friday the 15th, Julia, my mother and I left for Indian Beach, Delaware. Its basically a private beach inside Dewey, and near Rehoboth and Bethany.
Before going to the amazingly huge house, we stopped at the Old Navy and Nike outlets. Julia got a new bathing suit. yeah.
Then we went to the house and unpacked and pretty much just hung out at the house for the night.
On Saturday, Bob drove to Connecticut to pick up Bobby, Gigi and Audrey. He was planning to drive them home to see the dog and then head down to Delaware with us on Sunday.
BUT Bob is stubborn and showed up to our surprise on Saturday night to surprise my mom.. He did around 13 hours of driving in one day.....
Sunday my dad came down the shore house.. this was a little weird because he hasnt seen my mom's extended family in like.. 7 years??
Tigger and Jen came down too.
Jen is pregnant!
We hung out at the beach. Then i died and took, like, the longest nap of my life.
Julia and my dad left that night.
Julia has summer school, but not because she is dumb or whatever, but instead because her teacher is an idiot. He didnt finish the year's lessons, so they have to pay for it?!?!?!?
Monday-Friday just consisted of beach time, shopping, and food. OH, and hour long conversations with my sister on the phone.

I had to work yesterday from 12-9...
Including the swim meet, I was at the pool from 7:45-9p.m.

I got home, watched Pulp Fiction, then died.

"I ain't never done it before either alright, I ain't starting now. Look, you brought her here, and that means you're gonna give her the shot. The day that I bring an O.D.-in' bitch to your house, then I give her the shot, give her the shot!"- Lance

Vincent: You know what the funniest thing about Europe is?
Jules: What?
Vincent: It's the little differences. I mean they got the same shit over there that they got here, but it's just - it's just there it's a little different.
Jules: Examples?
Vincent: Alright, well you can walk into a movie theater in Amsterdam and buy a beer. And I don't mean just like in no paper cup, I'm talking about a glass of beer. And in Paris, you can buy a beer at McDonald's. And you know what they call a, uh, a Quarter Pounder with Cheese in Paris?
Jules: They don't call it a Quarter Pounder with Cheese?
Vincent: Nah, man, they got the metric system, they wouldn't know what the fuck a Quarter Pounder is.
Jules: What do they call it?
Vincent: They call it a "Royale with Cheese."
Jules: "Royale with Cheese."
Vincent: Thats right.
Jules: What do they call a Big Mac?
Vincent: A Big Mac's a Big Mac, but they call it "Le Big Mac."
Jules: "Le Big Mac." [laughs] What do they call a Whopper?
Vincent: I dunno, I didn't go into Burger King. But, you know what they put on french fries in Holland instead of ketchup?
Jules: What?
Vincent: Mayonnaise.
Jules: God damn!
Vincent: I seen 'em do it, man, they fuckin' drown 'em in that shit.
Jules: That's some fucked up shit.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Release the Stars. Rufus Wainwright

Today... I met Rufus Wainwright!
He was amazing.
But, far too good looking. Why must he be gay?!?!

I really didn't get a good picture.


Rufus playing The Art Teacher.

Rufus signing!

yeah, theyre pretty crappy.

But so far this is what I've done over my break(Ascension break?)

homework and music in the morning.
bones, one tree hill, and lost.
angela and hodgins couldnt get married.. but it was cute anyways.

more homework and music.
csi season finale! is sarah going to die????

woke up early to make julia breakfast (she had school haha)
filmed spanish project, which i wont go into detail about, other than the fact that the last line is:
Recuerdo, cuando tienes un gato en tus pantalones, tienes muchos problemos! HASTA MANANA!
Roughly translated: Remember, when you have a cat in your pants, you have many problems. Until tomorrow!
Then later that night, went to Sarah's and watched Pan's Labyrinth. Very good, go watch it.

went to meet RUFUS! yes!
going to Michelle's party.

Its amazing. I promise.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Tear You Apart. She Wants Revenge

So, I usually dont listen to horoscopes and crap like that, but this one on yahoo! was quite accurate, so I've been paying more attention to them.

Let's see:

4/30 (tomorrow)
Give stressed-out loved ones some space today. You are not at fault.

It's time to face facts: Someone's been taking advantage of you. Deal with it or you'll be giving them tacit permission to continue. This behavior is immature, but you need to stand up for yourself.

Deal with this indecisive phase logically-- ask people you trust what they would do.

Certainties are all well and good, but too many of them just take all the fun out of living. Get into the spirit of discovery. So the outcome is unclear for now, make sure you have fun with the journey instead.

Someone's emotional turmoil could be contagious. Get distance from him or her today.

Some unexpected sources give you the information you've been waiting for. You feel like it's just not enough -- now you want guarantees. Hey, don't look a gift horse in the mouth. Work with what you've got.

Someone wants to be of service to you today -- accept this assistance with a smile.

Push aside your pride, especially if you know that you need help and another person can supply it. Someone you've been ducking has the solution for your dilemma. Think of the end gain and suck up the momentary embarrassment.

Be wary of people who take their private problems and make them public knowledge.

Onward and upward! It's time to aim at unknown horizons. It's been too long since you've made a choice to do something brave, bold and challenging. It's a little scary at first, but you'll soon start to enjoy the ride.

A great way to gain self-confidence today is to tackle something that scares you.

Getting rid of the unnecessary is a commitment, but once you do, you'll see what is truly important in your life. You don't literally have to toss things (although that helps). A mental inventory is what counts now.

You're aware of an opportunity before anyone else is. Act fast and profit!

Your focus and commitment have brought about some exemplary results. Bask in the glow of these impressive achievements -- just don't linger so long that you get burned. You have places to go and people to see.

thats done with.

so. not much is new. school still sucks. how much can they really ask of us?
the band is on their trip, so our lunch table is nearly empty.

went to miranda's today to do a math project.
i love her house, and her dog....
but we talked and it was an altogether nice time.
her and bill are too cute.

on friday went to see nunsense.
weird. nuns.
"why did moses wander the desert for 40 years? because moses was a man! and men never ask for directions!"
"why do nuns travel in pairs? one nun makes sure the other nun dont get none!"

saturday went to kevin's to watch borat.
sacha baron cohen<3.
but alex and kevin didnt really fight. kevin was being a little difficult though. blah.
oh, and mrs. imsuchabitch klatt has yet to "forgive" me. bullshit.
i dont know what her problem is, but youd think she was younger than me, rather than 50 errr so.
apparently, i told steve brennan that the klatts (kevin included) hoped that steve would lose his scholarship. what the fuck?
we were waiting for the "holyshitjackieisinmyhouse" alarm to go off... and mrs. klatt would come speeding down the street and crash into the door and shoot me.
so, mrs. klatt asked kevin about junior prom, and as a joke he said he would take me.
she nearly had a stroke.... hehe.

thank you for allowing me to bitch.
<3456789 until much later.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Papercut. Linkin Park

time to make a playlist.
yeah.. thats right.

1. Clair de Lune- Debussy (psh. classical)
2. Across the Universe- Rufus Wainwright (mmmmm... homosexual...)
3. Teardrop- Massive Attack (Can you say, "House, MD.")
4. City of Devils- Yellowcard (This song does NOT suck, I swear)
5. Life is Beautiful- Vega4 (this could be my favorite song)
6. To the Moon and Back- Savage Garden (STFU)
7. A Day in the Life- The Beatles
8. Baba O'Riley- The Who (The band people are playing this for a project... TEEEEEEEENAGE WASTELANDDDD)
9. Kiss Me- Sixpence, None the Richer (BAM! the song that was in almost every teen drama movie of the 90s)
10. Three Seed- Silversun Pickups
11. either Love Will Tear Us Apart or Transmission- Joy Division
12. Starlight- Muse (Yeah, I just really like this one)

and thats all for now.
just updating you on my love of music.

now down to buisness.

i hate school.
end of story.
teachers suck, classes suck, books suck.

but its okay. the kids are down for a week.
im happy. somewhat.

everyone is having a @#$$%& anniversary.
i hate moping (mopeing? not to mop the floor, like wahhh im sad)
me and amanda should.. date... people other than eachother ;P

read Twilight.
and Speak.
and then watch Speak.
Kristen Stewart is lovely in it.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Get Free. The Vines

"Rabbits. You know bunnies. If you don't look out for them, the little bastards sneak up on you and bite you and shit." - Davey Havok

The above quote sort of captures my Easter Break.
Fuckin bunnies.
I guess I really don't need to elaborate..

I figure I'll do a nice survey. Because I'm bored.

I was looking up survs and found this weird one.
Its called the "if you were" survey..

A Vegitable
An Animal
A Fruit
Tomato.. the Ignored Fruit
A Color
Green.. people would probably think I was constantly sick.. but w/e.
A Household Object
My stereo.
Article of Clothing
Er.... a shirt?
A Drink
Dragonfruit Vitamin Water.
A Famous Person
Marissa Festa.. relatively unknown except for her relationship with Mr. Jade Puget..
A Film Character
Columbia... Dr. Frank \'N Furter\'s extremely high-pitched-Eddie-loving-groupie.
A Cartoon Character
Patrick Star.
A Car
Hm. Vanquish.
A City
Tinicum... derrr.
A Country
China.. I would totally de-communize myself.
A Mythical Creature
A Chocolate Bar
Zagnut. not exactly chocolate.. I dont even know if they make it anymore.
A Book
A Sport
Swimming. (Its totally a sport.)
A Word
enthusiastically. I can\'t even spell myself.
One of Your Family
One Of Your Friends
hm... all of them.. collectively.

The "First thing that comes to mind"

oh.. god. mine are failures.
Your Last Ex
Cool guy.. we shouldnt ever date again though.
Spaghetti.. i have no idea why.
The President
Gas Prices
See above.
Eh... spirituality!!!!
awesome. too many viruses though.
Worst Fear
failure, squirrels.
only with the right person.
see above.
Steelers... shh... dont tell the eagles fanssss.
Vanilla Ice
STOP. Callaborate and listen...
Porta Potties
T-Shirt and Shorts.
Jackie=bad faces.

Friday, March 23, 2007

In Bloom. Nirvana

Hows it going?

Well, I just finished the new love of my life book, Twilight.
It was amazing. Thanks Steph.
Complicated love story.
I can't decide if it is happy or sad.
I really want to go read the sequel.
Why doesn't an Edward Cullen really exist?

I got in a fight with Jesse today. Many fights acutally.
I really don't think he gets that he acts like an idiot alot.
I'm just too afraid to tell him.

He just does stupid stuff.. like I don't know throw a water bottle at me.
And yeah.. it hurt.
And the best part is he apologized.
He was like 'I'm sorry if I hurt you.'
You wouldn't have thrown it at me in the first place...... *$^#&*&!

Julia is at soph right now.
So are Scarlett and Sarah.
I'm at home.. writing to no one.


Monday, March 19, 2007

Midnight Sun. AFI

by the way.
i got to talking about this poem at lunch.
its my favorite.. and no one has ever heard of it!
what a sad thing it is not to know charles baudelaire!

DE PROFUNDIS CLAMAVI- Out of the Depths Have I Cried

O my sole love, I pray thee pity me
From out this dark gulf where my poor heart lies,
A barren world hemmed in by leaden skies
Where horror flies at night, and blasphemy.

For half the year the sickly sun is seen,
The other half thick night lies on the land,
A country bleaker than the polar strand;
No beasts, no brooks, nor any shred of green.

There never was a horror which surpassed
This icy sun's cold cruelty, and this vast
Night like primeval Chaos; would I were

Like the dumb brutes, who in a secret lair
Lie wrapt in stupid slumber for a space...
Time creeps at so burdensome a pace.

Rusted Wheel. Silversun Pickups

havent really updated in awhile.
coming to you right now by way of extremely slow internet connection on my old computer.

so, whats new?
not much.
at the moment im burning some nirvana and bush cds, talking to steve, luke and jesse, and fighting a seriously crazy episode of hiccups.

so.. have to do a speech for gardler.
eh.. decided to tell a blonde joke.
get it? ironic... seeing as im blonde!

well. steve wasnt very supportive of this idea.
he suggested that i let the class know a little more about myself...
oh.. i dont know like....

"hi. im jackie. im pale. i dont have friends. i have chronic bad breath. i watch women in bathrooms with hidden cameras. i love it when people cry, it pleases me. i like to collect spiders and mate them with cocker spaniels."

well, unfortunately i had to turn steve down, seeing as most people would probably begin to throw up blood and turn into werewolves after hearing that.....

so... this post is pretty pointless.
im only doing it because i promised roe id finally let her see.

speaking of roe..
did you know that in less than a month it will be her and russ' one year?
hollaaaaaa atcha.

my. life. is. empty.
yeah.. history is turning me into a mindless shell.
lately i feel like im just going through the motions.


blaqk audio cometh.
im excited.

walk with me,
my one and only.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Wolf Like Me. TV on the Radio

Here are some top Fives..
because I'm Super Bored.

Top 5 Songs of the Week:
1. Across the Universe- Rufus Wainwright
2. either Now the World or Paper Airplanes (Makeshift Wings)- AFI
3. Lazy Eye- Silversun Pickups
4. Wolf Like Me- TV on the Radio
5. Bike Scene- Taking Back Sunday

Top 5 Movies the Oscars Totally Made Me Want to See:
1. Pan's Labyrinth
2. Little Miss Sunshine
3. The Departed
4. Marie Antoinette
5. The Pursuit of Happiness

Top 5 Actors for Ladies to Mingle With:
1. Johnny Depp
2. Jake Gyllenhaal
3. Joseph Fiennes
4. Zach Braff
5. NOT Brad Pitt

Top 5 2007 Albums to Look Forward To:
1. Blaqk Audio
2. Tiger Army
3. Linkin Park
4. Rufus Wainwright
5. The Dear & Departed

Top 5 Classes
2. English
3. Bio.... now that the student teacher is here
4. Lunch
5. Math

Yeah. Not much new in life.
Just bored and overrun with homework.


Tuesday, February 6, 2007

This is the Day. The The

^This is how I feel right now.

So... haven't updated in awhile.
Not that anyone view this...
Maybe I should put a link for this in my myspace.

So.. not too much going on lately.
Wasn't in school today... didn't really feel like moving.

Julia and I were discussing our plans for Valentine's Day again... or rather our lack thereof.
Its okay because I am a firm believer in the rumor that Valentine's Day was invented by Hallmark.

Wow. I really don't like to write these things.
I feel like I'm 5 and writing with a crayon.
My thoughts seem to run around today even more than usual.
Uh, let me think..
What have I done lately.

Two weeks ago, Roe had her birthday party at Iceworks.. without first considering the fact that no one knows how to skate...
Naturally, I was the worst at it (and for some strange reason, I'm proud!)
I fell too many times to count.. and had some nasty bruises to prove it.
But altogether it was a spectacular event.
Tons of people... except Sam... who made it clear the next school day that he was very pissed.
He had the nerve to go up to Roe and say "Thanks for the token invitation."
Now there are two reasons why this is rude:

1)Get over it... she didn't invite you for a reason.

and most importantly.....

2)No one knows what you mean by saying that.
What is a token invitation?!


Nothing new other than that really.
Oh! And my 3 day weekend this past week.. SUCKED.
I was sick.. yet again.
But Friday was actually a little bit fun.

Case, Jul, Bob, my mom and I went out for Chinese.
Julia and Case were very loud and the waitress was definitely pissed.
Also, she kinda freaked when i refered to the Lo Mein as "Chow Mein"... whoops.
Maybe I'll have to get Amanda to explain the different meals to me.
After dinner, we went home and ...... played Guesstures.
Yes.. I really spent the night at home with my family... playing Guesstures.
But you really had to be there, I nearly peed my pants.
Case: bosom refers to boobs, not your ass

But other than that and homework.. this weekend was uneventful.
Sophmore year sucks.
And I'm cold.


Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Good Day. The Dresden Dolls

So today was actually not bad.
Compared to yesterday's disaster, it was probably one of the better days I've had lately.

Oh, Sarkees told me my paper was 'beautiful. astonishing.'
I'll take that!

No point to this post....

Oh! I remember.
Despite the fact that 2006 has been over for more than half a month, I'll give you my top fives of the year.

Top 5 Albums of 2006:
1. The Decemberists- Crane Wife
2. AFI- Decemberunderground
3. Gnarls Barkley- St. Elsewhere
4. Taking Back Sunday- Louder Now
5. KT Tunstall- Eye to the Telescope

Top 5 Stupidest Famous People:
1. Any girls who decided that panties were optional.
2. George Bush....
3. Paris Hilton
4. Lindsay Lohan
5. Rosie O'Donnell

Top 5 Personal Moments:
1. Soph was cool.
2. Lifeguarding.
3. Seeing Lewis Black.
4. Nights out with the O'Harians.
5. Thanksgiving in Maine.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

New Slang. The Shins

Today sucks..
First off my calculator is no more.. or so I think.
Not sure yet.
Secondly, mi proyecto was a disaster.
Thirdly, my cherished ipod earphones are to be buried soon. The funeral is this Friday... I'm comtemplating whether or not to miss school.

And Fourthly (is that even a word??)

Jesse vs. Rosie
STUPIDEST #@$%&@$ fight ever.
Well I can't really take a side, because truthfully it was both their fault, even if Jesse refuses to believe so.

But secretly, I'm pulling for my girl, Roe...
Shhh... don't tell.

Gold teeth and a curse for this town,
Are all in my mouth
Only I don't know how
They got out, dear.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

The Boogie Man. Gnarls Barkley


So last night. was. very. freaking. long.
It was Scar Scar's sweet 16 so Alex, Sarah, Kevin, Jeneane and I went out to the Hard Rock Cafe in Philly. And ate. And talked about how amazingly 'fabulous!' out waiter was. And Alex did his gay man impression while I insisted that we go clubbing to Chanelle No. 5 whilst Alex wears his pink see through nipple shirt with unicorns and rainbows.

Afterward, off to Rock 'n Glow bowling at some bowling alley that I thought was in Jersey.. because they were playing Jersey stations. However, upon seeing the 'Best of Philly 2006' award they had received, I just became more confused. I dont think that this alley should call it the 'Rock 'n Glow' bowl, unless they were going to play all rock. But, hey, we didn't really mind the constant chants of "We fly high, no lie, you know it, BALLLLLINNN'." However when I heard 'Don't Stop Believing' by Journey, I immediately broke into song, along with Scar Scar and Sarah. The real fun came when Sarah and Scar Scar got up the balls (yay bowling joke!) to ask the DJ (if you could call him that; he was more or less just an obnoxious Eagles fan messing with the innocent little Cowboys/Giants fans in the bowling alley) to play Bohemian Rhapsody. Which we sang to .. and it was awesome. After that came some more awesomeness (well, at least for Sarah and I) when Baba O'Riley came on. Yesssss.

Afterward, we all returned to Scar Scar's around 3ish. And there was only one rule: if you fell asleep, you pay the price. The price being washing obscene messages written in marker off you for the next week. So, naturally, only Kevin fell asleep... we got bored and decided to play tic tac toe.. but we didn't have paper, so we figured 'Hell, lets use Kevin's arm.'
Then there was the meaningless conversation, truth or dare, and the ever fun Apples to Apples.

Oh, and we added a monacle and bar mustache to the mural.

So, right now it is 7:02 on Saturday, 1/13. I have officially not slept in 33 hours, 32 minutes.
I'll admit. I am very tired, and there is a good chance I will not be watching the eagles tonight.
Ah, football is boring anyway.

Friday, January 12, 2007

O Valencia! The Decemberists

I swear, I'm not upset.
But, maybe I'm a little disappointed.

My dad knew I had off today. Teacher In-service.
Last week he told me that he would take off and we would go to The World Cafe to see some random artist, who is most likely amazing, yet unnoticed.
But, I called him earlier. Time for a re-cap.
"Hey Dad."
"Hey Jul, er... sorry Jack. Whats up?"
"Uh... nothing. Whatcha doing?"
"Nothing, I'm at work, really busy.. gotta go!"
Hangs up.

Yeah, he forgot...
Actually I should have known he wouldn't remember.
I believe he may have been a little tipsy when he told me that we would go.
After all he did repeatedly ask me if I was really off. And I repeatedly told him yes.
But, whatever.

Alcohol is the source of all evil. I'm convinced.

I really need to get away from the computer.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

A Single Second. AFI

I cannot for a single second stand the way I feel.

So yeah. Life=stressful beyond belief.
The first track is officially a "subculture."
We live for sleepless nights and endless studying.
To all those people who say "I could be in first track/AP its easy."..... well.. up yours!

Besides this nonsense.. good news for Roe.
On MLK Jr. Day, we are having some service thing sponsored by Maab(?) paints. Roe was picked to do the article.. they say it could be her "big break."
And of course the person to tell her was the Greek god of all teachers, Mr. Cook.
All she could no was nod and drool a little bit. But hey. I can't blame her.
So, she will have to INTERVIEW him.. wow. Weird..
"How does the texture of this paint feel!??!?"
Only us...

So, I should be getting back to the endless mound of shit that I have to do.

I've never felt the nausea of longing to feel nothing,
I never wanted to cease to exist,
just disappear.
Fear memories are all that lie ahead.
Never have I felt so lost.
Memories dull my senses.
Fear tragedy is all that lies ahead.
Never have I felt so dead.