Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Reason to Believe. Dashboard Confessional

Life is good. 2 exams down, 1 to go. And you know what, I think I'll be fine. And I get to relax for a whole month!
I am really really enjoying life despite its stressful moments. I'm so excited that I get to see everyone from home, although I really don't know what I'll be doing for an entire month. I need to go Christmas shopping.. and bake. Blah. I MISS MICHELLE. AND JOYUH! And everyone. The family. My friends. But its going to be terrible leaving the Berg for a whole month. Somehow, I'll survive though.
Basically, DR's final paper sucked whatever minimal ability I had to write out of me... blech.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

well, hello there mental breakdown. haven't seen you in awhile.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Wishing Well. The Airborne Toxic Event

Copying the Copycat I guess.
Severe Boredom.... skipping F&W. Not much to do until I pick classes soooooo...

What is the relationship between you and the last person you kissed?
In a relationship :p

Do you own a pair of skinny jeans?

Something that happened today that made you angry?
I have a Chemistry test and I just wanna go homeeeee.

What were you doing before this survey?
Reading this survey on Michelle's blog.

What are you looking forward to in the next few months?

Did the last guy/girl you kissed have any tattoos?
He once had an airbrush tattoo that said 'bad girl' :D

Do you think you could live with your best friend?
Hell yes. But it would be crazy and I would accomplish nothing haha.

Are you starting to realize anything?

Does seeing couples in love make you mad?
Occasionally. As long as they don't shove it in your face..

This time last year, can you remember who you liked?
Oh. No. haha.

Do you know a secret about your last ex that would embarrass them?
Two words: Secret. Life.

What are you doing tomorrow?

Who are you conversing with right now?
Just this survey.

What is something you disliked about your day?

Do you have someone who you can be your complete self around?
A few people. It makes me happy!

Do you think you’ll have the same best friends a year from now?
Hopefully. I'm pretty certain about a few.

Do you think relationships are hard?

Is life good?
Right now it is.

Do you open up to a lot of people?
I'm surprisingly open if you take the time to get to know me. I just come off shy, but I'm actually kind of crazy.

Whats the last thing you heard?
People next door.

Would you live with someone with out marrying them?

Who was your last text from?

Do you and this person have a good relationship?
Um. I hope so.

Have you ever gotten butterflies from someone?
Yes =D

Besides this, what are you doing right now?
Listening to some Muse. Thinking about my schedule and how many of my classes are already full.

Will you be up before 7AM tomorrow?

Did you wake up in the middle of the night last night?
I was up in the middle of the night. But no.

What was the last thing you drank?

Did you have a dream last night?
Yes. About classes, naturally.

Did you get anything off your chest today?

Who was the first person you talked to today?

Were you happy when you woke up today?

Whats wrong?

Do you like someone more than a friend right now?
Yes. Haha.

What does your 8th text say? From?
Haha um... "I'm sorry. Id kiss it and make it better but im far away =( but anywho, apparently we are going over now so whenever youre ready you can meet us =D"

Is there anyone you trust even though you should not?

Relationship or hookup?

Few close friends or many acquaintances?
Few close friends.

How’s your heart lately?

Are you afraid of falling in love?

What are you wearing right now?
A blue spaghetti strap. Although its a bit cold.

Are you talking to someone while doing this?

If a bear attacked you, would you know how to defend yourself?
Aren't you supposed to play dead?

How clean is your room?
Um... Well my part will sooooonnn be clean.

What are you excited for?

Things you first notice about the opposite sex?
Eyes typically.

Who woke you up this morning?
The sun.

What is your current mood?

What color shirt are you wearing?
Pale blue.

Are you happy right now?
Generally yes. At this moment, meh.

What were you doing at 11:00 last night?

What are you doing tonight?
Dunno. Sleeping.

What have you done today?
Nothing yet.

Last thing you bought?
Dinner at Sandella's.

How much money do you have on you?
Not much. $10?

Do you have a reason to smile right now?

Looking back, did you ever waste too much time on a certain boy or girl?
Um... yes. Entirely too long.

Are you going to be completely honest and open?
I do try, its difficult sometimes.

Do you drink beer?
Not often.

Who introduced you to your ex boyfriend or girlfriend?
Wow. Um. I have no clue.

Do you like pickles?
Yes. Just not the sweet ones.

What is your favorite kind of gum?
Stride. The yellow. It tastes like the zebra gum, but lasts longer than 10 seconds.

When you’re at the grocery store do you use the self checkout?
Fairly often.

Are you flexible?
After yoga.

What if the last person you kissed was kissing someone else right in front of you?
I'd be hurt.

Do you want to know the date of your death?

Have you cuddled with someone you weren’t dating?


Anyone you would like to get things straight with?
Not at the moment. Oh wait maybe.

Is there anyone you wouldn’t mind punching?
A few people, luckily I have wonderful self-control....

Have you ever kissed anyone whose name started with a K?
Last name?

Is your hair naturally straight?

Do you think love is overrated?
I'm trying not to.

What are you listening to?
Exogenesis: Part 1 (Overture) by Muse.

Do you eat breakfast daily?
Cheerios... and of course Saturday (Sunday) Breakfast.

Would you prefer a baby girl or boy?
Um... I'm not sure at the moment.

Last awkward moment?
Haha. I'm a generally awkward person.

The last person you kissed hates you. Why?
Poo... I don't know... I found his tickle spot maybe... muahhaha.

Ever dated anyone your best friend had already dated?

Is green your favorite color?

Is there anyone you couldn’t live without?

Do you think you can know everything about a person?

Would you kiss someone you just met, just because they’re hot?

If you got expelled from school, what school would you go to next?

Have you hugged anyone in the last 24 hours?

What do you usually do when the clock turns 11:11?


Do you like your cell phone?
Sort of. Although it doesn't come off that way every time I drop it, which is often.

Do you prefer to call or text?
Depends on the person... mostly text.

Who do you have texts from in your inbox?
Rob, Anne, God (Shannon), Julia, Michelle, Boris.

Have you kissed one person 20 times or more this year?
I think haha.

Does someone miss you?
Yes. And I miss them.

Do you wash your hair in the shower?

Do you get annoyed by one word responses?
Often. Haha.

Whats you’re favorite sports teams?
Don't really have one.

Can you recall the last time you sincerely liked someone a lot?

Is the person you last texted single?

I hope not...

Does it bother you when you text somebody and they take forever to respond?
Yes. Haha. I'm a crazy fast responder normally. I feel creepy if the person doesn't reciprocate in a relatively quick manner.

Can you play the piano?

Have you ever left or found a message in a bottle?

Do you like Guitar Hero?

Has a teacher ever been mad at you?
Haha. MESSA!

Do you have a box of old pictures?
I have a couple here in my dorm.

Where is one place in the world you want to go?

What is the scariest movie?
Drag Me to HELL! Oh, Michelle.

Do you find smoking unattractive?
Not really. I'm an asthmatic.

In winter, would you rather wear jackets or hoodies?

Do you get jealous easily?
I tryyyyy not to.

When people say “I don’t ever talk about anyone” do you believe it?

Is there a girl you would do anything for?
Absolutely. 2 or 3.

Would you rather be in a relationship or play the field?

Have you ever thrown shoes on a telephone wire?

Would you date someone if they asked you right now?
Already am.

Have you ever in anyway been betrayed by someone you trust?

Would you rather date someone older than you or younger?
Doesn't really make a difference. Unless its years... then older.

Do you remember who you liked on New Years?
Yes. >_<

Have you ever been around a person who was high?
HAHAHAHA. "So basically, we are all mimes, and we strive to reach nirvana as clowns. Then we are no longer silenced."

Are promises important to you?

Is there a chance you will kiss the person you have feelings for?

Did anything “cute” happen in this week?
Hahah. Yes.

When’s the last time you were surprised?
Um.. its been happening frequently.

What do you really want?
To be done with the Chemistry test.

Could you go for the rest of your life without drinking alcohol?

Whose bed were you on last?

Do you trust all of your friends?
Most of them.

Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months without cheating?

Could you go out in public looking like you do now?

Haha I've been in worse.

Would you rather love one person or have many short relationships?

Do you remember who you liked 3 months ago?
I didn't really know many people then.. haha MICHELLE!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Whenever You Breathe Out, I Breathe In (Positive Negative). Modest Mouse

1. Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed? There are no doors on my closet, but if I was home they would be closed so that the monsters wouldn't get me.
2. Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel? Always do.
3. Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out? In. However, I untuck them during the night.
4. Have you ever stolen a street sign before? No, but I've wanted to.
5. Do you like to use post-it notes? Yes. I have a hard time remembering things.
6. Do you cut out coupons but then never use them? I don't usually do, but my mom does.
7. Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees? Probably a bear.
8. Do you have freckles? During summer.
9. Do you always smile for pictures? Yes. Or made a ridiculously hideous face.
10. What is your biggest pet peeve? I don't like the sound people make when they chew.
11. Do you ever count your steps when you walk? All the time. I also make sure there is a pattern to when I step on cracks.
12. Have you ever peed in the woods? No.
13. What about pooped in the woods? No.
14. Do you ever dance even if theres no music playing? All the time.
15. Do you chew your pens and pencils? No. But I put pens in my hair.
16. How many people have you slept with this week? Sexual sense, none.
17. What size is your bed? Tiny.
18. What is your Song of the week? "Walk on the Ocean" by Toad and the Wet Sprocket.
19. Is it okay for guys to wear pink? Occasionally.
20. Do you still watch cartoons? Occasionally.
21. Whats your least favorite movie? I don't quite remember what it was, but I know there was a guy on Mars with an alien and I was around 7 and couldn't appreciate that many red tones in once sitting.
22. Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some? On the brown lawn.
23. What do you drink with dinner? Water.
24. What do you dip a chicken nugget in? Imitation chicken nuggets are very tasty with barbeque sauce.
25. What is your favorite food? Currently the Vegetarian Wrap with hummus. ^_^
26. What movies could you watch over and over and still love? Rocky Horror, Pride and Prejudice, The Parent Trap, 10 Things.
27. Last person you kissed/kissed you? Rob.
28. Were you ever a boy/girl scout? A brownie. I crossed the bridge to be a Junior and decided I hated it and quit.
29. Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine? Probably not.
30. When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper? Probably writing to Phil over summer.
31. Can you change the oil on a car? No.
32. Ever gotten a speeding ticket? Never driven.
33. Ran out of gas? See above.
34. Favorite kind of sandwich? Vegetarian Wrap.
35 Best thing to eat for breakfast? Anything on Saturday (or Sunday) breakfast is suitable.
36. What is your usual bedtime? Lately, around 1.
37. Are you lazy? Incredibly.
38. When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween? Belle, around 3-4 times.
39. What is your Chinese astrological sign? Um, sheep?
40. How many languages can you speak? 1 and a 5/8. English, 1/2 Spanish and maybe an eighth of Latin.
41. Do you have any magazine subscriptions? I had one to Rolling Stone. It ran out but they keep sending me stuff.
42..Which are better legos or lincoln logs? Legos.
43. Are you stubborn? Not particularly.
44. Who is better...Leno or Letterman? Conan.
45. Ever watch soap operas? Once. Very overdramatic.
46. Afraid of heights? Yes. Not so much as of late, but yes.
47. Sing in the car? YES.
48. Dance in the shower? Sadly, I do. To the music in my head.
49. Dance in the car? Yes.
50. Ever used a gun? Once. I was seven haha. It was New Year's.
51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer? Senior portraits?
52. Do you think musicals are cheesy? Some. The better ones not so much.
53. Is Christmas stressful? Depends on when you do your shopping. This year, probably.
54. Ever eat a pierogi? Mmmm. Cheese and potato.
55. Favorite type of fruit pie? Cherry.
56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? Doctor, Lawyer, Teacher, Rock star.
57. Do you believe in ghosts? Spirits.
58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling? Yes.
59. Take a vitamin daily? E.
60. Wear slippers? Mhm.
61. Wear a bath robe? No.
62. What do you wear to bed? Tee shirt and shorts or sweats.
63. First concert? Dave Matthews Band.
64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart? Target!
65. Nike or Adidas? Vans.
66.Cheetos Or Fritos? Munchos.
67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds? Almonds.
68. Ever hear of the group Tres Bien? Nope.
69. Ever take dance lessons? When I was 5. I was particularly skilled at the Macarena.
70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing? Not in particular.
71. Can you curl your tongue? Sadly, no.
72. Ever won a spelling bee? Yes actually haha.
73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy? Once or twice maybe. Kairos.
74. Own any record albums? A couple Bowie.
75. Own a record player? Yes.
76. Regularly burn incense? Used to. All of its at my house because we can't have fire in our dorms.
77. Ever been in love? Don't know. Don't think so yet.
78. Who would you like to see in concert? Muse.
79. What was the last concert you saw? Probably the Jonas Brothers... sigh...
80.Hot tea or cold tea? Medium?
81.Tea or coffee? Decaf tea.
82. Sugar or snickerdoodles? Snickerdoodles... or peanut butter chocolate chip cookies.
83.Can you swim well? Fairly decent.
84.Can you hold your breath without holding your nose? Yes.
85. Are you patient? Most of the time.
86. DJ or band, at a wedding? Hm... DJ with a good indie selection.
87.Ever won a contest? Yes.
88. Ever have plastic surgery? No.
89. Which are better black or green olives? Green.
90.Can you knit or crochet? I can knit to an extent.
91. Best room for a fireplace? Seegers?
92. Do you want to get married? Someday maybe.
93. If married, how long have you been married? N/A.
94. Who was your HS crush? Hot Pizza guy. or Hot Physics guy. I've had many.
95. Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way? I used to.
96. Do you have kids? No.
97. Do you want kids? I want to adopt. Maybe have one of my own.
98. Whats your favorite color? That teal color of the ocean. I have a plan to paint my bathroom that color and then get a glass shower door so that I can imagine I'm swimming in the ocean when I'm showering.
99. Do you miss anyone right now? I miss a lot of people.
100. Did you watch, Next Great American Band on FOX? Actually I did. Johnny Reznik was kind of a jerk. It was saddening.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Such Great Heights. The Postal Service

Sorry for all of my ranting... or actually lack thereof lately. Michelle has been posting like there's no tomorrow, and I have been a bit lax. But just be assured, everything is great. Better than great. Life is wonderful. I'm starting to get past the worrying about the future thing, because I'm just really happy. But enough about that whole thing, which by the way my whole rant last time was pretty much useless... for some reason he really must like me and I REALLY must love overreacting.
So in other news, everyone has picked schedules except the last half of the freshman class... which is actually the FIRST half of the freshman class, needless to say ME. But I have everything planned out to a T and if something goes wrong I'm SCREWED. YAY! But I'll figure it out. Biology II, Chemistry II, labs for both, Calculus III, Intermediate Spanish II and either Art History II or Intro to Sociology. But I guess I'll just have to figure it all out before my Chemistry test on Tuesday. Wonderful!
So what have I been up to lately? Not much actually. Last night Anne, Shannon and I ordered chinese and watched the Illusionist before going with the guys to Jon's Improv show, which was AWESOME. He always seems so quiet when I go over there, so I hardly expected that. Then we went to the GQ and afterward I watched Rob play Zelda (which was actually more of "I fell asleep while Rob played Zelda"). I got back to my room around 3 and here I am now.
There are only 4 days until I go home! I'm very excited, but its going to be weird to leave my bubble. I like it here, but I miss home and all of my family so much! Julia and I were on the phone for like an hour the other day. She has been super stressed out. At one point our conversation got very emotional because I explained that no matter what I would still love her, and she started crying. I feel really terrible, because I think she's realizing college is a lot harder than she expected. :-/
TURKEY day. So excited ^_^

Until we meet again,

Monday, November 16, 2009


Okay. I don't want to be that girlfriend. I REFUSE to be that girlfriend. And I know its only been 9 days, but it honestly kills me everytime I see you two together. I know consciously that nothing will happen, but I really can't help the way I feel. And I can't tell you. You're so damn nice that would feel bad and stop hanging out with her. So no, I refuse to be that girl. I just want to make sure you're happy. I don't know how to do that.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Happy. Never Shout Never!

Haha... judging from how many people commented on my status, I'm guessing no one thought I would ever have a boyfriend. Well, showed you! Kidding :)
I just can't believe how happy I am haha. Its ridiculous. I was so scared, but he makes me feel comfortable and like I mean something and its SO GREAT!
Haha. I'm a freak.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Do You Wanna Know? Alkaline Trio

This posts have been getting a bit too melodramatic, but I really can't help it. But I must clarify; despite everything, its weird because I am happier than I have ever really been. As Meredith pointed out, everything could go so horribly wrong any second, but I am so awfully content teetering on the edge of some cliff. I have friends... GOD I have friends. I love them. Michelle is of course still the single greatest human being on the planet, but its nice to know I have people around here I can count on for anything. Anne, Anne if you could only know... the talk you had with me this morning made me feel so much better! Gosh, I thought no one but Michelle would understand my bizarre depressions that seem to last for only a minute. But Anne actually calmed me down. It was amazing. This morning was horrible, but it just got so much better.... it was strange-- nothing seemed to go right, but I felt perfectly at ease with the day. I got done lab, didn't touch my work. Hell, I even went to the mall with Shannon and then to yoga. It was a successful day, simply emotionwise... it pretty much should have been terrible, but it didn't feel that way.
On Friday, my mom, Bob and Robert Jr. are coming to visit. So basically, I love my little brother. I'll never tell him though haha. He is seriously one of the funniest people I know, but hides it when he's around people he doesn't know well. I have never heard someone spit out more random comments, and I literally shake with laughter whenever he is around. I hope he is doing well, because he was apparently dieting for awhile, but he's extraordinarily skinny so it worries me (I know right, ironic coming from me?). But he's basically the coolest person ever! He must be driving all the freshman girls insane.
Saturday, I get to work a wedding. I should be a bit stressed, but I'm really excited. I honestly just want to share my happiness lately haha. I want to make their day the most perfect day ever. I just hope I don't mess it up :/
So I was reading on today (best website ever!) about a boy who bought a bunch of flowers, and just handed them out to older women to brighten their day, and I got really inspired. I want to do something like that! Like something awesome... e.g. free hugs guy! Or yes, even hand out flowers to elderly people. HEY! IDEA! Next year on mother's day, I want to buy a bunch of flowers and hand them out in the Giant parking lot to women. Random women. I just want to like.. burst with joy!
I'm weird.... but I like it lately!

(p.s. did you know "namaste" means "the divine light in me recognizes and accepts the divine light in you"?)

Monday, November 2, 2009

I've Got It All (Most). Modest Mouse

I don't want to do work.
I just want to be.
I'm restless.

Do I go home this weekend?
Decisions, decisions.


Sunday, October 25, 2009

Weekend Wars. MGMT

I love college, and I live for the weekends. They just keep getting better, I don't understand it. This past weekend was so amazing. Friday I decided it was really important to take a nap. We didn't do too much except go out to dinner in a group. It was awesome. We went to Outback, which has a limited selection for vegetarians but there was some amazing company, so all was well. Then we went to Prosser and watched some Demetri Martin before wandering around aimlessly. I went to bed around midnight because I was ridiculously tired.
The next morning, I went to breakfast with Rob, and we had some wonderful conversation about a bee that was crawling up the window. Fantastic. I did some Biology. Not much happened until I studied Chemistry a bit, and then I found out some of the Prosser guys were in Brown. We all hung out for a bit here, then went to GQ. After, we headed to Prosser, and some alcohol consumption commenced. I barely had anything, and we all decided to go for a walk. It was very relaxing and turned into an epic time when we stumbled upon a student performer in the Red Door. He was brilliant and had some amazing lyrics! Kudos to Shannon and I wanting to check our mail. Great success.
We returned to Prosser and continued some drinking, although I really didn't have much of anything. Derek drunk texted Julia, and then she called and talked to both Derek and Ish. And Ish kept pulling his pants down for some reason, although that was definitely one of the lower points of the night.. sigh.. After awhile we all started talking in the hallway while Amanda and Matt were in Matt and Rob's room alone. So everyone turned into just Rob and I lying on the Prosser hallway floor. It was amazing, and we talked for.. awhile. I didn't make it back to Brown until lateeeeee. But I even got a hug out of the night.. great success! Once again, I seriously enjoy being his friend, so I kind of wish everyone would stop pushing things.. he just got out of a relationship. I can't help liking him, but I can hopefully get everyone to stop dropping insane hints about it... blarrggh.
Today I went to Bat Boy..... which was SUPERB. I loved it... And then Dorney. So much fun. But I hopefully don't die tomorrow of sleep deprivation..
Much love,

Thursday, October 22, 2009

I Found Away. Alkaline Trio

Okay, I can't deny it anymore. Everyone know haha. Its almost pathetic, but its more or less hilarious. I don't even know why I won't talk about it. Well, in the spirit of liberation, here it goes: I like Rob. Like... alot. Its ridiculous. And its kind of useless because he probably doesn't feel the same way. I'm telling myself its okay if he doesn't, but it will still suck a bit. Gah, he must know. If he doesn't like me, I wish he would tell me so I can get over it! I'm such a girl. I always want to be different than the typical ditzy blonde stereotype, but sometimes, its who I am. Blech. Haha. I'm so crazy. I get all tongue tied and stupid. >_<
Anyways. I got a letter from my favorite aunt! It was so great, because I miss her so much! I wrote her back via email (because let's face it, I'll never understand the mail room, BUT that doesn't mean I don't want letters ^.^) and it was ridiculously cheesy. But thats okay, because today is a good day. It will be a good day!
I forgot why I wanted to write this. Maybe I'll come back later when I have more time... Hm...

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Neighborhood 2 (Laika). Arcade Fire

This is the best fucking video ever. Watch it. And note the way the two members of the band beat the crap out of each other with drumsticks. Perfect.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Crosses. Jose Gonzales

"Don't you know that I'll be around to guide you,
Through your weakest moments, to leave them behind you?"


You can't imagine how much your kind words meant to me. I think its time for me to let you know how much I love you. I know things are very hard right now, and it breaks my heart to see how much suffering you are going through. But you are so strong! I could never have made it through what you have been put through over the past year or so. Its so hard to believe that just this time last year, we really started talking. You drove me home from show practice, and I would feel so awkward and scared that you really didn't want to give me a ride. You did it because you are so incredibly sweet and amazing, and all it took was a kind offering and a wrong turn for us to be the greatest friends ever. Only you and I would get lost in Jersey, admit how embarrassed we were, and then in our sick self-deprecation, tell the ENTIRE school the next day about our forays into the Garden State.
It first hit me that we were best friends during that time when you were hurting so badly. Dargay didn't want to tell me anything, because she said you and I were too close. Go figure that in my lack of confidence, it took another person to notice that you and I were becoming best friends. I was so in awe of how wonderful you were that I couldn't accept that I could ever be worthy of your friendship.
So the point of this letter/post is basically that you are perfect. And boys are fickle. And I know I say it so many times that its starting to sound a bit ridiculous, but one day you will meet a boy who treats you with the respect and love that you deserve. And I understand that you are feeling alone right now... but don't let that get you down. Try new things, look for people that inspire you and make you smile just by the way they act or things they do for others. Thats what drew me to you and hopefully it will lead you to the kind of people that you will love.
You really are the one person that I can trust with anything. Its completely insane how much I opened up to you over the past year... well I completely opened up to you, actually... I have never done that before. I think people are weirded out by how close we are, but its just normal for us. So don't worry. Because I'll always be here for you, no matter when you need me. Just call my name, and I'll be there!

Love always,

Closer. Kings of Leon

I'm going crazy. Haha. I'm actually just glad I can feel something again. I'm not emotionally dead on the inside and its nice. But even if you never want anything, its okay because I honestly enjoy being friends with you.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Lessons Learned. Matt & Kim

Seriously. Come on. I can't work harder than I have been. I'll die. But lately I just feel like I'm drowning. I really am trying the best I can to shove more and more information into my head... I need a break. But I can't get one just yet. I know that so many people work harder than I do, but I'm still on the verge of a mental break. If I can get two seconds to breathe, its just to relax before jumping back into the ring. This is so completely ridiculous because I know that its how college is and I should be prepared and blah blah blah. But I honestly was doing so well, its just it got harder. I love college so much, and it just sucks that I haven't quite figured it all out. I know I'll be fine.. its just how I get to there that scares me a bit.
Biology. How can I work so fucking hard all the time and STILL be behind. I don't get it.
And Chemistry. I'll never fully understand it.
Calculus, I actually feel like I'm becoming more of an idiot as we go on. I used to actually know this stuff, where did it all go?
DR's. Heaven and my own personal hell all rolled into one. I am trying so freaking hard just to impress a man who tells me I have no one to impress. Why can't I just shut up and follow his goddamn advice?

I'm sorry, I just needed this a little bit more than I should have.
I miss Michelle. I just need this week to pass. I live for the weekends, they're the only things that make any sense.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Michelle. The Beatles

Thats right. I'm that weird. You have a whole one just for you.
Haha, just thought I'd let you know that you just made my night by sending me that MIKA song. Basically whenever I'm stressed out you make me feel so much calmer and so much more confident. You are seriously the best friend anyone could ask for, and yes, the best lesbian lover anyone could ask for as well. I miss you soooooooooo much it hurts, but at the same time, absence makes the heart grow fonder! Talking to you on the phone tonight was so wonderful, because although I am finally making a ton of friends, I don't necessarily feel comfortable enough to bring up any of what we talk about.. I don't think I'll ever feel that comfortable.
So don't worry about me, because I'm fine knowing that you're still going to be there for me, even if you can't really be here. You're perfect, and everything will work out, boys are stupid thats why we have each other.

I misses you.
Wuv you.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Flying. The Secret Machines

Fall break resolution: Have fun. Stop worrying about everything.

I am seriously going to make an attempt to put myself first. Its going to be epic and amazing, but most likely a complete failure. I am falling behind on a bit of stuff, but I'm not caring too much, I have time to make it up. I just am really trying not to push myself too hard. I did hardly any work over break, but its OKAY. I survived. And right now, I'll probably catch up on some much needed rest, rather than push myself to do some more Bio, that I wouldn't remember in the morning anyway.
Fall break was great. For being away from my college, I sure spent a hell of a lot of time at other people's. Drexel, Widener, and yesterday, Temple? It was great, and I definitely needed it. The company, the old friends, and the comfort of knowing that everyone feels just like I do right now- a little bit underpressure, a little bit crazy, and absolutely positively happy. FINALLY.
Overall it was a success. Spent some time with the family. Wonderful. Ate more dessert than I can handle without having a mental breakdown, but somehow I survived. Success.

Peace. Until later.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Too Shy to Scream. AFI

"I'd die,
If you only met my
eyes before you'd pass by.
Will you pause to break my heart?"

Ugh. Please stop texting me. I can't help but answer.
Even though Michelle tells me its useless.
And I know it is too.
And I hate it.
So Enough.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Darling I Want to Destroy You. AFI

MY GOD. I'm so freaking excited for new AFI. Is that sad? I know I haven't listened to them in like, 3 years, but 3 years ago I was OBSESSED. And their new album is sounding so much more mature and brilliant that DU. DU was kind of disappointing. I just found a couple leaked songs on Itunes and its like.... YESSSSSSSS.
I'm a loser, its okay. Well now that I got that off my chest I guess I should write about what I've been up to. Posts are going to be more frequent than they previously were because my mother says that just writing will help me deal with college and get me used to writing for DR's. Plus, I love getting my shit out there even if no one cares =]
So in between listening to new music (AFI and MUSE), basically I've been hanging out with friends and doing some homework. Classes yesterday were WONDERFUL. DR's class finally went well, I talked quite a bit, and everyone noticed haha. It was great. I talked about how "Jabberwocky" demonstrated the arbitrary meaning of words.. basically I kicked major FYS ass. Then I had some time to watch the new Bones episode, and as usual, Brennan and Booth got close, only to disappoint in the love department again... sigh... Then it was off to Bio, which I have been studying like crazy for because I have an exam Monday. Then Calculus.. yay! I'm such a loser, I really enjoy partial fractions. Okay this post is a little heavy on the self-deprecation. Oh well..
I went to work for an hour yesterday. I would have stayed later, but everyone was leaving.. I guess its kind of weird that they offered to let me stay.. like, I have the option of sitting alone in an old chapel on a Friday afternoon. Its slightly creepy yet AWESOME. I totally just want to explore that place one day.
Around 730ish, I went to dinner with Shannon and the guys (um.. lemme try and remember names: Ish, Derek, Dylan, Steve, Rob, Matt). Went over to the Annex and played some SSB Brawl.. we're pretty lame, but its okay I got my arse wooped.. I suck at videogames.
Shannon, Ish, Matt and I went to Karaoke... yeah.. Ish practically forced me to do a duet of "Dancing Queen" with him. Everyone got on stage to do the "Time Warp" and as much as I love that song, I had a bit of a claustrophobic moment, so I declined... Just as Gillian and I were preparing for an amazing rendition of "Can't Take My Eyes off of You," someone pulled the fire alarm, so we decided to head to Emily's and watch the rest of "17 Again" with them. Cheesy yet amazing: "You can plunder my dungeons anytime." BEST LINE EVER. We just had a nice girls night and it was great. They were taking pictures and Gillian remarked, after seeing a picture of me going nuts, that if I didn't start talking more in class, she would show the picture to DR and explain that I am not shy at all, but instead a crazy freak. Wonderful.

Basically, I went to bed after that and have been a bum all this morning.. I have been listening to some awesome music all day, with a tissue permanently glued to my hand. UGH. Common Cold...


Thursday, September 17, 2009

Alice in Wonderland Freewriting session!

Okay, so basically I am taking the hardest class of my life right now. I am learning how to write. Freewriting is the first step, because it allows your ideas to flow from you without ever once "lifting the pen" for a second. Basically, you being with an idea, or passage, or whatever and just WRITE. Without stopping.
I won't exactly be doing that. You see I have to write my first paper, but I still need to sort some ideas out. So I've done a couple freewrites and will be editing these, well not so much editing as THINKING through them via blog. Its much more comfortable for me because I can express myself in a way that I love.
To let you know where I am in this course, basically I have been writing a bit on the role of identity in Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland. More specifically, I am referencing a passage in which Alice is both mentally and physically changing, and cannot figure out "who she is."
I met with my writing assistant to shoot through some ideas and had to come back to my dorm and quickly write down a couple questions and thoughts down to see if anything could come to mind...I wrote down...

Why does Alice try and rationalize what is happening to her?

Because she is dreaming everything, why does she form a crisis for herself just so she can solve it?

How do children see adults.

She seems to be very scientific in the way that she approaches her problem.

What defines an adult/child?

Mental vs. physical change?

She tries to sound smart, but her ideas hold no weight

What does she mean by usual?

“queer” everything is

Why does she ask if shes changed in the night? She knows she began to grow in “Wonderland”- could she be referring to a mental change?

She , in saying “that’s the great puzzle,” seems to be acting like an adult.

If she thinks shes grown up, why does she ask if she is one of her friends?????

What does all this say about the text? What does the text say about this?

What the HELL is the pointing narrator doing, why is he/she pointing this direction?

Here is my original freewrite.. or as much of it as necessary...

I found this specific passage very interesting because of the way it explores identity. Ever since Alice stepped into Wonderland she seems to have forgotten much of what she knew in her world (including who she is?). She can't remember poems, math or even how proper things function. She no longer considers it surprising that simply by eating a piece of cake she can grow or shrink to bizarre heights. Alice then wonders, i her physical appearance constantly changes, is she a different person? Carroll seems to approach this question in many different ways. He changes her physical appearance as well as her mental state. First, Alice struggles to comprehend the way her physical changes affect her mentality. At one point, she believes that since she is physically "all grown up," i.e. she has grown to an immense stature, she must be an adult. But, what is an adult? Has Alice become an adult simply because she is much larger and taller than she previously was?

Heres where I went really off topic, in that I seriously veered away from the text. I talked about her possible identity crisis, and then compared that to various movies. Basically I wanted to know that if a person's mind is moved from their body to another, does that make them a different person. However, since Alice decides she must be in her own body, although it has grown much larger, this question didn't much apply. One assumes that Alice still looks like herself, just out of proportion. And mentally, Alice doesn't seem to recognize that she is still much herself. She still argues with herself, as if she were two people...

Back on track. I went to talk to Laura and we brainstormed. Basically we talked about the following.. She would ask me why I thought certain things, and I would explain.. We came up with more questions, so in an effort to embrace confusion, here I go...

Why does Alice try and rationalize what's happening to her?

Alice is going through some kind of an adult/child crisis here. She basically thinks that in becoming bigger, she is an adult. So naturally, adults try to rationalize everything. Her first inclination is to carefully go through some sort of process that will clear up all her doubts. Rather than FREAKING OUT like a normal child (or perhaps ANY person would do, but she doesn't because she might think that adults have it all together), she slows down and calmly explains to herself that she simply must be a different person. Its like she is using some sort of scientific method, carefully showing evidence for each part of the puzzle. She seems to act smart, although her ideas hold no weight. Its like when a child explains a big idea to another child-- they may come off as exceedingly intelligent to the other child, but to an adult, the explanation may seem like rubbish. This could have a lot to do with how children see adults. Children are often fascinated by anyone older than them, even if its only by a couple years. They can perceive a rather young individual as old, simply because that person is older than them. Often, children look up to adults, and try to mimic their actions, believing it will make them look more mature and sophisticated, when it sometimes does just the opposite. SO WHAT? Is Alice trying to act like an adult because she thinks she looks like one? She is trying to think like an adult.

I'm getting lost... back to text for help...

Alice wonders "who in the world am I?"

Its funny that she defines identity by age in many cases. But what defines an adult? There is no strict border between adulthood and childhood. What does the text have to say about this? Often, the text seems as confused as Alice. Maybe its because there is no definite answer.. However, since everything means, I must make some effort. What does the text say about being an adult? Alice, not necessarily the text, defines adulthood as being "bigger." But does this mean that each time she shrinks and grows she is reverting back to childhood and then growing to an adult again? If age defines identity, then does size define age? And does mentality simply follow after that. Does mental growth follow physical maturity? Alice seems eager to follow her physical growth with mental growth, which is presumably why she theorizes that she has become a different person. But heres where it gets tricky... WHY if she believes she has become an adult, does she also question whether or not she has become one of her CHILD friends? It simply doesn't fit.... And if it doesn't fit, then SO WHAT.

That will have to be all for now. I guess I'll show this to my mother.. Its a bit repetitive.. ew.


Sunday, September 13, 2009

Venice. The Darling Buds

So I figure I'll share my newest obsession with you.
Its a real shame they only have like... 3 songs posted. But my God, I love it.
Jamie Bower, the amazingly gorgeous and wonderful singer, is actually from Sweeney Todd.

or just visit their myspace page.

Much loveness,

Exogenesis Part III: Redemption. MUSE

Let's start over again.

Well I guess that's what I'm doing in college. And man, its great. I was so unsure of this whole thing, and I hate to say it, I was even disappointed with the Berg at first. But this past weekend has cemented this place as my new home. Its wonderful and I love it. My main concern was whether or not I would make any friends. I knew that it would take a bit of time, but after two weeks I was getting a bit worried. But seriously, I feel like I am finally connecting with so many people, and its GREAT. I love the work, the hectic schedules, I just love being busy. I look over at my calendar and seriously think, "How the HELL am I going to do all this?" but somehow, I manage. I love everything about this place more and more each day. And I feel as though I can finally count on people here. Its hard being away from my sister, and Michelle and Kevin and my family and all of my other friends, but each day its becoming a bit easier. I miss all of them SO very much, but at least I can deal now.
So this weekend.... Friday I had DR's class, WHICH I FREAKING LOVE. I feel like a total idiot, but every class is getting better in that sense. I'm slowly becoming more sure of myself, and I feel like I'm learning more in one of his classes than I did all through High School (sorry O'Hara). But I didn't exactly have the best class that morning, and it was yucky and rainy, so I decided to treat myself to a caramel macchiato, and who of course is behind me in line? Laura, our writing assistant and DR himself. He was asking me how I felt about the class and I told him I LOVED IT, which in retrospect was stupid because like/dislike (and I'm assuming love is in there) falls under the generalization category, but its alright. I did mention that I felt a little unsure of my abilities, and he of course assured me that I belonged in there and that my answers were in the right direction. He asked me about my other classes, and I said I was learning a lot although I guess I would have to wait until after my first exams to know how well I was doing. Naturally, he jumps in and says that I should never measure my intelligence against a stupid score brought forth from some ridiculous test designed to decide if I was good/bad. I seriously admire that man. He's so cool.
After that I just had Biology, which I really enjoy. I sat next to James and Josh. James and I always laugh at how crazy everything seems to be, and I really enjoy it. And Josh and I chatted about his background on his computer (it was a mural by Banksy). After Bio, I went back to the dorm and saw Shana before she left (she was going to Rascal Flatts). Then I had to go meet with the Chaplain, for whom I now work? Odd, I know. Why the HELL would I take a job in the chapel. But here's a little secret, I freaking love it. Tanya, the assistant there, listens to Bob Dylan and the Decemberists, while I make copies, run errands, make phone calls and sort book donations. I ended up staying for a few hours, when I hadn't even planned on working at all. I went to dinner with Megan, then hit the gym for a bit. I came back and listened to MUSE's new album before hitting the shower. Side note: I asked Sands if he had heard it, and he mentioned that he was going to see them in VA and had an extra ticket if I wanted it. FAIL. I end fall break two days before then. But, its okay. One day I'll see them and it will be EPIC! Back to story, so I showered and Shannon texted, asking if I wanted to grab dinner. I went with her to GQ so she could eat dinner and I could ruin my trip to the gym by getting dessert. We ended up talking for a few hours about the craziest things, but it was great. Then we went back to Prosser Annex and hung around on the guy's floor. Thats right, first college success. I met guys. Lots. We played Super Smash Brothers, until the testosterone fest kicked in when some bag of douche squirted shampoo all over the boy's bathroom and ripped down the whiteboard on their doors. They were freaking out saying they were going to kick some serious ass. So Shannon and I left that way the guys could talk everything over.
Saturday: I am tired. Seriously fucking tired. I wake up. Eat breakfast. Go on the computer. Go to lunch. Sleep. Do a chem problem. Sleep. Knit. Sleep. Eat dinner. Shower. THEN OZZY'S. The Berg rented out Ozzy's Fun Center after hours for us. At first I was apprehensive about going, but it was great. Megan, Anne, Emily, Jenna, other Emily, her roommate Nicole and I all had a great time. We hit the ropes course and the rock wall, did some roller skating (super FAIL) and then Bumper Boats. We were soaked. But we put up some pictures and it was amazing. Side note: Emily's camera has a function that creates smiles on faces that don't have any-- its the greatest thing I've ever seen. Back to story, we all grabbed ice cream, which is clearly the most intelligent choice when you're soaking wet and its cold. But it was fun, and then we loaded back on the bus. So we're waiting to depart, when I see Shannon and the same group of guys directly in front of us on the other bus. They start waving at me and signing telling me to do the wave. So they freak out and get their whole bus to do the wave and we followed them. THEY WENT NUTS. It was so lame, yet epic because of their reaction. Emily looked at me and went, "Do you know them?" I nodded and we all laughed. Kelson texted me to tell me that I am amazing haha. I love college. On the ride back, we talked about movies and TV shows, and Nicole and I chatted for awhile about stupid horror movies, and how she was home-schooled. All the girls decided we should have a Twilight movie night, so Anne and Megan can experience the epic fail of the Twilight movie.
Then I got some much needed sleep. I woke up and have been doing some Bio, which for some reason I am actually enjoying. I knitted a bit, and then decided to make a little post for the all of 2 people that read this.
I hope everyone else is doing well!
Much love and peace!

Monday, August 31, 2009

I Love College. Asher Roth

I may not love it for the same reasons as Mr. Roth, but I must agree... its pretty freaking sweet. I am a wee bit homesick, but I do love the independence.. However, I am really worried about meeting people. I'm terrible when it comes to opening up to people, and I don't know if anyone would want to talk to me, or think I'm weird for just trying to talk to them. And oh yeah, I officially SUCK with names.. Seriously, I hope I'm not offending people left and right, but I can only store so much in my head, and looking at my Chem and Bio texts, I'm not really sure anymore names can fit! But I'll try my best. Orientation was pretty nice, and my group is so awesome, and of course, we're all nerds. Its amazing.
I MISS MICHELLE! I don't want to interrupt her awesomeness at Pitt by calling her though...
Helm is brilliant. I love that man! He's our president and basically the coolest person ever, and there are so many neat faculty that I want to just talk to... Like the multicultural lady! She's like... crazy and amazing. 
Anyways, should get back to reading Bio.. I'm trying to get ahead..

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Hang On. Illinois

Just give me something to hang on.

Life is much less depressing than last blog. I need to quit being so melodramatic, it really is a turn off...
Michelle burfday was yesterday, and once she returns from Sea Isle, I hope to impress her with a slew of birthday festivities... aka a pretty chillax time.. It will be special, but I'm worried that it won't be as epically awesome as her surprises for me. I fail as a friend haha. In other news, I've started running again. Kevin will be so proud! Although, its more of panting through awkwardly fast paced walks than running, but he'll have to deal =]

Might as well give you and up to date on my new playlists.
I have a nice one for working out, and it's much more chill than my last one. I decided to just put songs with maybe a steady beat, as opposed to insane guitar solos... I've got quite a few Muse songs, some Matt and Kim, even Matt Nathanson.. I know what you're thinking! How can one run along to MATT NATHANSON? Well you best download "To the Beat of out Noisey Hearts" and then come talk to me. Also, theres some MIKA. Anyone that can get a bunch of kids in on singing extremely lude and explicit songs just for kicks.. what a genius! (and a jackass)!

GAH. Work..

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Far More. The Honorary Title

I miss all of my friends. I feel like every old relationship I had is dying, with the exception of a select few. It just gets to that point where you don't even feel like trying much anymore. I'm probably just babbling for no reason except that I'm stuck in a rut... Oh well. I really need to get a life.

Is this the sound of our demise
Or just the opposite?
I love you and I miss you
What else is there to say?
It takes a hell of a lot more to complete this

Far more, far more to recreate
Far more, far more, far more, far more
Far more, far more than we can take

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Oscar Wilde. Company of Theives

"We are all our own devil
We are all our own devil
And we make this world our hell."
I'm coming a bit unhinged as of late. Its alright, just the usual "my mind is so screwed" bullshit that I usually pull. I hate being the stereotypical self loathing middle class white girl, as I explained a few moments ago to Michelle, but I seriously wish I could detach my head somedays. I realllllly need to get over some body issues that I'm having. Which YES I realize they are ridiculous, but it is impossible to understand.
Moving on, before I go completely insane.
This entire summer has been spent with the usual people, or just at work. I work a lot as of late, but I'm actually enjoying my job this year. It keeps me busy, for one, and I really do love the people I work with. My boss is so amazing. She's like a mentor, and always treats me like an adult, which is nice for a change. The days, which are RIDICULOUSLY hot lately, actually bother me less and less. It doesn't hurt that I have a huge thing for one of my coworkers I guess.. But its one of those things were I realize nothing with ever come of it, and I have calmly accepted it haha.
Speaking of relationships, and my failings at them... my gay best friend is moving ahead faster than me.. its kind of disappointing. I'm SUPER EXCITED for him, yet I feel as emotionally retarded as ever. I have started writing to a certain someone, and we're finally getting past that awkwardness which follows a year long "will they, won't they" relationship shitstorm of suck... To add to my bizarre blast from the not so distant past, a certain fickle red head has started texting me after 3 weeks of silence following our near hook up. FAIL. I really should just wait until college to de-prude myself [technically I am not a prude, but a stupid 8th grade hookup CAN be revoked in my personal opinion]. SONGGGG- Lollipop by Mika.. Listen then you'll know...
College is looming overhead and I am incredibly anxious and can't wait, although I really do need to get my shit together. Buy stuff, and sign up for all my email stuff and grading systems and all that crap. I have successfully facebooked my future roommates-- that's right, PLURAL. We're in a triple and I can't wait because now I'll know TWO people. It makes the whole transition easier in my opinion. One of them is in my seminar which is exciting. I'm so nervous!
Well I'm kind of tired haha.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Feel Good Drag. Anberlin

Hey there guyssssss.
Just got done an inservice for work. You know, I really did enjoy swimming in 63 degree weather pretending that I know what the hell I'm doing.. Oh yeah.. um.. submerged with spinal, sure sure. But in other news, saw Sal there and he mentioned that he would be stopping by the infamous duplex from hell of a senior week house that my little group has picked up for next week. Yayyyyy.
But really, I can't wait for senior week. So many people are supposed to visit. Its going to be epic, even if the weather is crappy.
Gah, I'm having a ADD moment where I decided I didn't want to write anymore.
Anyways, I have to get up early tomorrow to go pick my classes at Muhlenberg. HOLLLERRRRR.